Handling sign language data: The impact of modality
J Quer, M Steinbach - Frontiers in psychology, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Natural languages come in two different modalities. The impact of modality on the
grammatical structure and linguistic theory has been discussed at great length in the last 20 …
grammatical structure and linguistic theory has been discussed at great length in the last 20 …
[HTML][HTML] Competência em tradução e línguas de sinais: a modalidade gestual-visual e suas implicações para uma possível competência tradutória intermodal
CH Rodrigues - Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, 2018 - SciELO Brasil
Neste artigo, oferecemos uma primeira reflexão sobre as prováveis implicações da
modalidade de língua, no caso a gestual-visual, sobre a noção e a modelagem da …
modalidade de língua, no caso a gestual-visual, sobre a noção e a modelagem da …
[КНИГА][B] The clausal syntax of German Sign Language: A cartographic approach (Volume 5)
F Bross - 2020 - library.oapen.org
This book presents a hypothesis-based description of the clausal structure of German Sign
Language (DGS). The structure of the book is based on the three clausal layers CP, IP/TP …
Language (DGS). The structure of the book is based on the three clausal layers CP, IP/TP …
Computational phylogenetics reveal histories of sign languages
Sign languages are naturally occurring languages. As such, their emergence and spread
reflect the histories of their communities. However, limitations in historical recordkee** …
reflect the histories of their communities. However, limitations in historical recordkee** …
Role shift: Theoretical perspectives
M Steinbach - The Routledge handbook of theoretical and …, 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter provides an overview of our current understanding of the syntactic typologies of
relativization, gained from studies on typologically diverse spoken languages, and applies …
relativization, gained from studies on typologically diverse spoken languages, and applies …
Compounds in sign languages: The case of Italian and French Sign Language
M Santoro - 2018 - hal.science
In this dissertation, I investigate the domain of compounds in sign languages. Compounding
has been documented as a key strategy to enrich the lexicon of sign languages even in …
has been documented as a key strategy to enrich the lexicon of sign languages even in …
Le lingue dei segni nel “Volume complementare” e l'insegnamento della LIS nelle università italiane
A Cardinaletti, L Mantovan - Italiano LinguaDue, 2022 - riviste.unimi.it
La lingua dei segni italiana (LIS) è oggetto di ricerca scientifica da oltre quaranta anni ed è
insegnata a pieno titolo nell'Università italiana da più di venti anni. In particolare …
insegnata a pieno titolo nell'Università italiana da più di venti anni. In particolare …
Building machine-readable knowledge representations for Turkish sign language generation
This article proposes a representation scheme for depicting the Turkish Sign Language
(TİD) electronically for use in an automated machine translation system whose basic aim is …
(TİD) electronically for use in an automated machine translation system whose basic aim is …
On the properties of null subjects in sign languages: the case of French Sign Language (LSF)
A Jaber, C Donati, C Geraci - The Linguistic Review, 2022 - degruyter.com
The typology of subject omission in simple declarative sentences ranges from languages
that simply do not allow it like English and French to languages that allow it as long as a …
that simply do not allow it like English and French to languages that allow it as long as a …
[PDF][PDF] The POLYTROPON parallel corpus
Here we present the POLYTROPON parallel corpus for the language pair Greek Sign
Language (GSL)–Modern Greek, which is created and annotated aiming to serve as a …
Language (GSL)–Modern Greek, which is created and annotated aiming to serve as a …