Negative hydrogen ion sources for fusion: From plasma generation to beam properties
U Fantz, S Briefi, A Heiler, C Wimmer… - Frontiers in …, 2021 -
The neutral beam injection systems for the international fusion experiment ITER used for
heating, current drive, and diagnostic purposes are based on RF-driven negative hydrogen …
heating, current drive, and diagnostic purposes are based on RF-driven negative hydrogen …
Tutorial: Modeling of the extraction and acceleration of negative ions from plasma sources using particle-based methods
In this Tutorial, we consider plasma sources with applications to fusion devices and high
energy accelerators. These ion sources typically produce negative ions from hydrogen …
energy accelerators. These ion sources typically produce negative ions from hydrogen …
Lessons learned after three years of SPIDER operation and the first MITICA integrated tests
ITER envisages the use of two heating neutral beam injectors plus an optional one as part of
the auxiliary heating and current drive system, to reach the desired performances during its …
the auxiliary heating and current drive system, to reach the desired performances during its …
Contributions of the extended ELISE and BATMAN Upgrade test facilities to the roadmap towards ITER NBI
U Fantz, D Wünderlich, C Wimmer, M Barnes… - Nuclear …, 2024 -
ITER's NBI systems are a first of its kind system with very challenging targets for the RF-
driven ion source and the acceleration stage. In a step ladder approach, the ion source test …
driven ion source and the acceleration stage. In a step ladder approach, the ion source test …
Investigation of RF driver equivalent impedance in the inductively coupled SPIDER ion source
P Jain, M Recchia, A Maistrello… - Plasma Physics and …, 2022 -
SPIDER experiment includes an RF inductively coupled plasma source working at 0.3 Pa of
gas pressure (H/D) where plasma is generated and heated by eight RF drivers, fed by four …
gas pressure (H/D) where plasma is generated and heated by eight RF drivers, fed by four …
Influence of plasma grid-masking on the results of early SPIDER operation
SPIDER is the prototype negative ion source of the heating neutral beam injectors for ITER.
As required by the ITER injector design, the SPIDER beam source is entirely contained …
As required by the ITER injector design, the SPIDER beam source is entirely contained …
Numerical and experimental assessment of the new magnetic field configuration in SPIDER
N Marconato, E Sartori… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2022 -
Magnetic field plays an essential role in negative ion-driven neutral beam injectors (NBIs),
being necessary to counteract the inevitable interaction between electrons and negative …
being necessary to counteract the inevitable interaction between electrons and negative …
Ultra-low work function of caesiated surfaces and impact of selected gas species
A Heiler, R Friedl, U Fantz - Journal of Instrumentation, 2024 -
Modern high-power negative hydrogen ion sources rely predominantly on the surface
production of negative hydrogen ions. Hence, low work function converter surfaces are …
production of negative hydrogen ions. Hence, low work function converter surfaces are …
Modeling inductive radio frequency coupling in powerful negative hydrogen ion sources: validating a self-consistent fluid model
D Zielke, S Briefi, S Lishev, U Fantz - Plasma Sources Science …, 2022 -
Radio frequency (RF) negative hydrogen ion sources utilized in fusion and for accelerators
use inductively coupled plasmas, which are operated at a low driving frequency, high power …
use inductively coupled plasmas, which are operated at a low driving frequency, high power …
[KNJIGA][B] Physics and applications of hydrogen negative ion sources
M Bacal - 2023 - Springer
This book discusses the physics and applications of negative hydrogen/deuterium (H−/D−)
ion sources in the context of magnetic confinement fusion research and high-energy proton …
ion sources in the context of magnetic confinement fusion research and high-energy proton …