Digital phenotype of mood disorders: A conceptual and critical review
Background Mood disorders are commonly diagnosed and staged using clinical features
that rely merely on subjective data. The concept of digital phenoty** is based on the idea …
that rely merely on subjective data. The concept of digital phenoty** is based on the idea …
Using digital phenoty** to understand health-related outcomes: a sco** review
Background Digital phenoty** may detect changes in health outcomes and potentially
lead to proactive measures to mitigate health declines and avoid major medical events …
lead to proactive measures to mitigate health declines and avoid major medical events …
Digital phenoty** in depression diagnostics: Integrating psychiatric and engineering perspectives
J Kamath, RL Barriera, N Jain… - World journal of …, 2022 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Depression is a serious medical condition and is a leading cause of disability worldwide.
Current depression diagnostics and assessment has significant limitations due to …
Current depression diagnostics and assessment has significant limitations due to …
Behind the screen: a narrative review on the translational capacity of passive sensing for mental health assessment
Mental health disorders—including depression, anxiety, trauma-related, and psychotic
conditions—are pervasive and impairing, representing considerable challenges for both …
conditions—are pervasive and impairing, representing considerable challenges for both …
A review of detection techniques for depression and bipolar disorder
Depression and bipolar disorder are mood disorders affecting millions of people worldwide
that can have severe impacts on one's quality of life. Our ability to detect these illnesses is …
that can have severe impacts on one's quality of life. Our ability to detect these illnesses is …
[HTML][HTML] Opportunities for smartphone sensing in e-health research: a narrative review
Recent years have seen significant advances in the sensing capabilities of smartphones,
enabling them to collect rich contextual information such as location, device usage, and …
enabling them to collect rich contextual information such as location, device usage, and …
Symptom detection with text message log distributions for holistic depression and anxiety screening
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) are both
heterogeneous in their clinical presentations, manifesting with unique symptom profiles …
heterogeneous in their clinical presentations, manifesting with unique symptom profiles …
[HTML][HTML] A fast and minimal system to identify depression using smartphones: Explainable machine learning–based approach
Background Existing robust, pervasive device-based systems developed in recent years to
detect depression require data collected over a long period and may not be effective in …
detect depression require data collected over a long period and may not be effective in …
[PDF][PDF] A review and meta-analysis of machine intelligence approaches for mental health issues and depression detection
Cases of mental health issues are increasing continuously and have sped up due to COVID-
19. There are high chances of develo** mental health issues such as depression, anxiety …
19. There are high chances of develo** mental health issues such as depression, anxiety …
Human behaviour data analysis and noncommunicable diseases: a systematic map** study
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) or chronic diseases are responsible for 41 million
deaths each year, equivalent to 71% of all worldwide deaths. Many technologies are used to …
deaths each year, equivalent to 71% of all worldwide deaths. Many technologies are used to …