Software reliability prediction: A survey
Softwares play an important role in controlling complex systems. Monitoring the proper
functioning of the components of such systems is the principal role of softwares. Often, a …
functioning of the components of such systems is the principal role of softwares. Often, a …
A software reliability model incorporating fault removal efficiency and it's release policy
For software developers as well as software product users, fault removal efficiency is crucial.
Developers can estimate the amount of work required by evaluating the proportion of …
Developers can estimate the amount of work required by evaluating the proportion of …
Unified framework to assess software reliability and determine optimal release time in presence of fault reduction factor, error generation and fault removal efficiency
Reliability of software products can be affected by several factors faced during the testing
phase such as the generation of additional faults during the fault removal process …
phase such as the generation of additional faults during the fault removal process …
Emerging trends and future directions in software reliability growth modeling
The current era becomes the technological era due to huge dependency on a wide range of
complex equipment and machinery. Due to the massive dependence on software systems …
complex equipment and machinery. Due to the massive dependence on software systems …
Empowering software reliability: Leveraging efficient fault detection and removal efficiency
Advancements in science and technology have led to the widespread use of computer
systems in various applications, emphasizing the importance of software reliability. Software …
systems in various applications, emphasizing the importance of software reliability. Software …
Modelling software reliability growth through generalized inflection S-shaped fault reduction factor and optimal release time
The fault reduction factor (FRF) is a significant parameter for controlling the software
reliability growth. It is the ratio of net fault correction to the number of failures encountered. In …
reliability growth. It is the ratio of net fault correction to the number of failures encountered. In …
Reliability and optimal release time analysis for multi up-gradation software with imperfect debugging and varied testing coverage under the effect of random field …
Due to change requests for up-gradation of adding new features, software organizations
always develop new versions of the software by adding new features and improving the …
always develop new versions of the software by adding new features and improving the …
Testing coverage‐based software reliability growth model considering uncertainty of operating environment
Software reliability is one of the standard critical inherent characteristics of software systems.
The testing coverage function (TCF) is a significant parameter for identifying the …
The testing coverage function (TCF) is a significant parameter for identifying the …
Stochastic debugging based reliability growth models for Open Source Software project
Abstract Open Source Software (OSS) is one of the most trusted technologies for
implementing industry 4.0 solutions. The study aims to assist a community of OSS …
implementing industry 4.0 solutions. The study aims to assist a community of OSS …
Software reliability modeling incorporating fault detection and fault correction processes with testing coverage and fault amount dependency
Q Li, H Pham - Mathematics, 2021 -
This paper presents a general testing coverage software reliability modeling framework that
covers imperfect debugging and considers not only fault detection processes (FDP) but also …
covers imperfect debugging and considers not only fault detection processes (FDP) but also …