[HTML][HTML] Recent progress on measurement of spin–charge interconversion in topological insulators using ferromagnetic resonance
Spin–orbit coupling (SOC) in materials plays a crucial role in interconversion between spin
and charge currents. In reduced dimensions, SOC effects are enhanced and have been the …
and charge currents. In reduced dimensions, SOC effects are enhanced and have been the …
Spin-Hall effect due to the bulk states of topological insulators: Extrinsic contribution to the proper spin current
The substantial amount of recent research into spin torques has been accompanied by a
revival of interest in the spin-Hall effect. This effect contributes to the spin torque in many …
revival of interest in the spin-Hall effect. This effect contributes to the spin torque in many …
Light and microwave driven spin pum** across FeGaB–BiSb interface
Three-dimensional (3D) topological insulators (TIs) with large spin Hall conductivity have
emerged as potential candidates for spintronic applications. Here, we report spin to charge …
emerged as potential candidates for spintronic applications. Here, we report spin to charge …
Spin transfer torques due to the bulk states of topological insulators
Spin torques at topological insulator (TI)/ferromagnet interfaces have received considerable
attention in recent years with a view towards achieving full electrical manipulation of …
attention in recent years with a view towards achieving full electrical manipulation of …
Spin pum** and inverse spin Hall effect in magnetron-sputtered large area MoS2/Co40Fe40B20 bilayers
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are novel class of quantum materials which show
potentials for optoelectronics, valleytronics, opto-valleytronics etc. TMDs are also found to …
potentials for optoelectronics, valleytronics, opto-valleytronics etc. TMDs are also found to …
Theory of inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect induced by spin pum** into a two-dimensional electron gas
The inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect (IREE) in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG)
induced by spin pum** from an adjacent ferromagnetic insulator (FI) is investigated …
induced by spin pum** from an adjacent ferromagnetic insulator (FI) is investigated …
Spin pum** and inverse spin Hall effect in CoFeB/IrMn heterostructures
High spin to charge conversion efficiency is a requirement for spintronic devices, which are
governed by spin pum** and the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE). In the last decade, ISHE …
governed by spin pum** and the inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE). In the last decade, ISHE …
Spin dynamics and inverse spin Hall effect study in the metallic Pt/NiMn/CoFeB system
Generation and manipulation of pure spin current is the governing tool to develop spintronic
devices. Spin pum** and the Inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) are the frontier mechanisms to …
devices. Spin pum** and the Inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) are the frontier mechanisms to …
Tuning of spin-to-charge conversion in topological insulator based heterostructures investigated by inverse spin Hall effect and spin …
Owing to the robust spin-polarized topological conducting surface states, topological
insulators (TIs) offer huge promise of establishing ultrafast operation and low power …
insulators (TIs) offer huge promise of establishing ultrafast operation and low power …
Theory of the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect induced by thermal spin injection
We theoretically consider a junction composed of a ferromagnetic insulator (FI) and a two-
dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with Rashba-and Dresselhaus-type spin-orbit interactions …
dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with Rashba-and Dresselhaus-type spin-orbit interactions …