Remote health workforce turnover and retention: what are the policy and practice priorities?
Background Residents of remote communities in Australia and other geographically large
countries have comparatively poorer access to high-quality primary health care. To inform …
countries have comparatively poorer access to high-quality primary health care. To inform …
Primary health care delivery models in rural and remote Australia–a systematic review
Background One third of all Australians live outside of its major cities. Access to health
services and health outcomes are generally poorer in rural and remote areas relative to …
services and health outcomes are generally poorer in rural and remote areas relative to …
Improving access: modifying Penchansky and Thomas's theory of access
E Saurman - Journal of health services research & policy, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Access is defined as the degree of fit between the user and the service; the better the fit, the
better the access. Using the theory developed by Penchansky and Thomas, access is …
better the access. Using the theory developed by Penchansky and Thomas, access is …
The whole-of-person retention improvement framework: a guide for addressing health workforce challenges in the rural context
C Cosgrave - International Journal of Environmental Research and …, 2020 - mdpi.com
People living in rural places face unique challenges due to their geographic isolation and
often experience poorer health outcomes compared to people living in major cities. The …
often experience poorer health outcomes compared to people living in major cities. The …
Geographic imbalances in doctor supply and policy responses
T Ono, M Schoenstein, J Buchan - 2014 - oecd-ilibrary.org
Doctors are distributed unequally across different regions in virtually all OECD countries,
and this causes concern about how to continue to ensure access to health services …
and this causes concern about how to continue to ensure access to health services …
2018 Ottawa consensus statement: selection and recruitment to the healthcare professions
F Patterson, C Roberts, MD Hanson, W Hampe… - Medical …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Selection and recruitment into healthcare education and practice is a key area of interest for
educators with significant developments in research, policy, and practice in recent years …
educators with significant developments in research, policy, and practice in recent years …
[HTML][HTML] Sustentabilidade da Atenção Primária à Saúde em territórios rurais remotos na Amazônia fluvial: organização, estratégias e desafios
MCR Fausto, L Giovanella, JG Lima… - Ciência & Saúde …, 2022 - SciELO Brasil
O artigo analisa singularidades da organização Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) em
municípios rurais remotos (MRR) da Amazônia sob influência dos rios e discute desafios …
municípios rurais remotos (MRR) da Amazônia sob influência dos rios e discute desafios …
Re-producing rural health: Challenging dominant discourses and the manifestation of power
C Malatzky, L Bourke - Journal of Rural Studies, 2016 - Elsevier
The field of rural health in Australia, and elsewhere, is known for its problems-the difficulties
of providing accessible health services, recruiting staff and providing quality healthcare. This …
of providing accessible health services, recruiting staff and providing quality healthcare. This …
[PDF][PDF] Better health in the bush”: why we urgently need a national rural and remote health strategy
J Wakerman, JS Humphreys - Med J Aust, 2019 - mja.com.au
For decades, the Australian Government has been wrestling with how to “fix the rural health
problem”. Long-standing problems of workforce shortages and maldistribution, difficulties …
problem”. Long-standing problems of workforce shortages and maldistribution, difficulties …
Migration and the globalisation of health care: The health worker exodus?
J Connell - Migration and the Globalisation of Health Care, 2010 - elgaronline.com
In recent years the migration of skilled health workers has grown dramatically. At the same
time there has been growing demand for evidence-based health policy; hence this book …
time there has been growing demand for evidence-based health policy; hence this book …