Scientific creativity: A literature review
Much research has been done on creativity and the results can be easily found in journals,
however, research on scientific creativity as a domain-specific creativity is still relatively rare …
however, research on scientific creativity as a domain-specific creativity is still relatively rare …
[HTML][HTML] Research status, hotspots, and evolutionary trends of intelligent education from the perspective of knowledge graph
D Shi, J Zhou, D Wang, X Wu - Sustainability, 2022 -
Intelligent education research has become a research hotspot in recent years. The
Citespace software that operates a graph visualization function was used to clarify the …
Citespace software that operates a graph visualization function was used to clarify the …
Pengaruh penerapan PjBL terhadap keterampilan berfikir kritis dan kreatif fisika: Meta analisis
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan PjBL terhadap
keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif peserta didik dalam pembelajaran Fisika …
keterampilan berpikir kritis dan berpikir kreatif peserta didik dalam pembelajaran Fisika …
Project-based learning model assisted by worksheet: It's effect on students' creativity and learning outcomes
The low factor of learning outcomes is triggering by the emergence of students' boredom in
learning. This study aimed to determine the effect of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) Models …
learning. This study aimed to determine the effect of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) Models …
Meta-analysis of interventions and their effectiveness in students' scientific creativity
As the importance of students' scientific creativity garners increasing attention, many
interventions have been designed to cultivate such creativity. To date, however, the …
interventions have been designed to cultivate such creativity. To date, however, the …
Improving Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking Skills through POPBL Learning in High School Student.
Education in the 21st century has experienced many advances that are adjusted to the
demands of the times. Thinking skills are in high demand in the 21st century, especially …
demands of the times. Thinking skills are in high demand in the 21st century, especially …
Create multiple-choice tests based on experimental activities to assess students' 21st century skills in the heat and heat transfer topic
Currently, we are facing the rapid development of information and communication
technology (ICT) that characterizes the 21st century. Challenges, problems, life, and careers …
technology (ICT) that characterizes the 21st century. Challenges, problems, life, and careers …
[PDF][PDF] Development of Edu-Kit Media for Entrepreneurship Learning based on Gamification Model Toward Disruptive Education.
The current fact shows that entrepreneurship education is only a textbook without providing
experimental learning to students. The current solutions have not been able to …
experimental learning to students. The current solutions have not been able to …
Analisis Effect Size Pengaruh Penerapan LKS Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada pembelajaran IPA dan Fisika
DP Ramadhani, A Asrizal, F Festiyed - Jurnal IPA & Pembelajaran …, 2021 -
In 21 st century is known for its rapidly develo** technology, knowledge, and skills. In 21 st
century education demands the creation of quality human resources. The government's …
century education demands the creation of quality human resources. The government's …
Develo** critical thinking skills in vocational high school students through the application of physics project team learning model integrated with vocational-based …
Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a eficacia de aprimorar as habilidades
de pensamento crítico dos alunos, implementando o Modelo de Aprendizagem da Equipe …
de pensamento crítico dos alunos, implementando o Modelo de Aprendizagem da Equipe …