[HTML][HTML] Progress and prospects for event tourism research

D Getz, SJ Page - Tourism management, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper examines event tourism as a field of study and area of professional practice
updating the previous review article published in 2008. In this substantially extended review …

Classification of the destination attributes in the content of competitiveness (by revised importance-performance analysis)

M Caber, T Albayrak, K Matzler - Journal of Vacation …, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
High quality services and customer satisfaction are important determinants of destination
competitiveness. For effectively and efficiently managing service quality and providing …

The effect of physical environment on passenger delight and satisfaction: Moderating effect of national identity

F Ali, WG Kim, K Ryu - Tourism Management, 2016 - Elsevier
This study aims to examine the influence of an international airport's physical environment
on passengers' delight and satisfaction. This study also aims to assess the moderating role …

Importance–performance analysis in tourism: A framework for researchers

IKW Lai, M Hitchcock - Tourism management, 2015 - Elsevier
Importance–performance analysis (IPA) is extensively used in hospitality and tourism
research because of its simplicity. However, due to the lack of critical statistical analysis, the …

A critical evaluation of importance–performance analysis

E Azzopardi, R Nash - Tourism management, 2013 - Elsevier
This study is a methodological evaluation of studies on importance and performance
measurement, and importance–performance analysis (IPA) which has gained widespread …

The impact of the servicescape on the desire to stay in convention and exhibition centers: The case of Macao

NYM Siu, PYK Wan, P Dong - International Journal of Hospitality …, 2012 - Elsevier
This study examines the important role of the servicescape in relation to customers' cognitive
(beliefs about servicescape quality), affective (affect and satisfaction) and behavioral …

Achieving destination competitiveness: an importance–performance analysis of Serbia

L Dwyer, V Dragićević, T Armenski… - Current Issues in …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
As a relatively new and under-researched tourism destination, Serbia provides an
interesting context to assess destination competitiveness in conditions of global …

The effects of luxury restaurant environments on diners' emotions and loyalty: Incorporating diner expectations into an extended Mehrabian-Russell model

A Chen, N Peng, K Hung - International Journal of Contemporary …, 2015 - emerald.com
Purpose–This paper aims to examine diners' luxury restaurant consumption behavior by
incorporating diner expectations into a modified Mehrabian–Russell model. Consumers …

Role of airport physical environments in the satisfaction generation process: mediating the impact of traveller emotion

H Moon, HJ Yoon, H Han - Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
As the use of international airports has been increasing, airports have emerged as a
remarkable background in the tourism industry. To address this, the present study aimed at …

Visitor attendance motivations at consumer travel exhibitions

B Rittichainuwat, J Mair - Tourism management, 2012 - Elsevier
This study identifies the major motivations of visitors for attending consumer travel
exhibitions and segments visitors based on their motivations. The findings suggest that …