Gradual internationalization vs born-global/international new venture models: A review and research agenda
Purpose During the last two decades, studies on the theoretical models in the area of
international business (IB), such as gradual internationalization and the born-global firms …
international business (IB), such as gradual internationalization and the born-global firms …
[HTML][HTML] Unraveling business model innovation in firm internationalization: A systematic literature review and future research agenda
The international business literature has witnessed a rapid growth of studies examining
business model innovation (BMI) in firm internationalization, particularly over the last …
business model innovation (BMI) in firm internationalization, particularly over the last …
Towards agility in international high-tech SMEs: Exploring key drivers and main outcomes of dynamic capabilities
In the era of digitalisation, agility is considered a crucial factor for the successful operations
of small and medium businesses in the intricate international markets. That is, this research …
of small and medium businesses in the intricate international markets. That is, this research …
What's so special about born globals, their entrepreneurs or their business model?
There is near unanimity among international business scholars that it takes more time to
expand internationally than domestically. Hence, this is why some are puzzled by born …
expand internationally than domestically. Hence, this is why some are puzzled by born …
The determinants and performance of early internationalizing firms: A literature review and research agenda
As scholars have examined the antecedents, processes, and performance of early
internationalizing firms in the past three decades, the domain has become a full-fledged …
internationalizing firms in the past three decades, the domain has become a full-fledged …
Research Published in Management International Review from 2006 to 2020: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Directions
Abstract The Management International Review (MIR) celebrated its 60th anniversary in
2020. In commemoration of this event, we use a bibliometric analysis to present a …
2020. In commemoration of this event, we use a bibliometric analysis to present a …
The accidental internationalists: a theory of born globals
JF Hennart - Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
The distinguishing characteristic of international new ventures/born globals (INVs/BGs) is
that they have foreign sales from the outset, or very quickly afterward. I argue that this is due …
that they have foreign sales from the outset, or very quickly afterward. I argue that this is due …
From fragile to agile: marketing as a key driver of entrepreneurial internationalization
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize strategic agility in entrepreneurial
internationalization and highlight the role of marketing “under particular conditions”–those of …
internationalization and highlight the role of marketing “under particular conditions”–those of …
How business intelligence capability impacts decision-making speed, comprehensiveness, and firm performance
Scholars and practitioners have trumpeted business intelligence (BI) capability as a game-
changer due to its significant impact on firm performance. Despite these claims, the …
changer due to its significant impact on firm performance. Despite these claims, the …
[PDF][PDF] Impact of Digitalization on the Speed of Internationalization
Digitalization combined with globalization is the current megatrend that impacting the
international business landscape and creates opportunities for new business models …
international business landscape and creates opportunities for new business models …