Gradual internationalization vs born-global/international new venture models: A review and research agenda

J Paul, A Rosado-Serrano - International marketing review, 2019 -
Purpose During the last two decades, studies on the theoretical models in the area of
international business (IB), such as gradual internationalization and the born-global firms …

[HTML][HTML] Unraveling business model innovation in firm internationalization: A systematic literature review and future research agenda

N Evers, A Ojala, CMP Sousa, A Criado-Rialp - Journal of Business …, 2023 - Elsevier
The international business literature has witnessed a rapid growth of studies examining
business model innovation (BMI) in firm internationalization, particularly over the last …

Towards agility in international high-tech SMEs: Exploring key drivers and main outcomes of dynamic capabilities

V Jafari-Sadeghi, HA Mahdiraji, D Busso… - … Forecasting and Social …, 2022 - Elsevier
In the era of digitalisation, agility is considered a crucial factor for the successful operations
of small and medium businesses in the intricate international markets. That is, this research …

What's so special about born globals, their entrepreneurs or their business model?

JF Hennart, A Majocchi, B Hagen - Journal of International Business …, 2021 - Springer
There is near unanimity among international business scholars that it takes more time to
expand internationally than domestically. Hence, this is why some are puzzled by born …

The determinants and performance of early internationalizing firms: A literature review and research agenda

G Jiang, M Kotabe, F Zhang, AW Hao, J Paul… - International Business …, 2020 - Elsevier
As scholars have examined the antecedents, processes, and performance of early
internationalizing firms in the past three decades, the domain has become a full-fledged …

Research Published in Management International Review from 2006 to 2020: A Bibliometric Analysis and Future Directions

D Mukherjee, S Kumar, N Donthu, N Pandey - Management International …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract The Management International Review (MIR) celebrated its 60th anniversary in
2020. In commemoration of this event, we use a bibliometric analysis to present a …

The accidental internationalists: a theory of born globals

JF Hennart - Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2014 -
The distinguishing characteristic of international new ventures/born globals (INVs/BGs) is
that they have foreign sales from the outset, or very quickly afterward. I argue that this is due …

From fragile to agile: marketing as a key driver of entrepreneurial internationalization

B Hagen, A Zucchella, PN Ghauri - International Marketing Review, 2019 -
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize strategic agility in entrepreneurial
internationalization and highlight the role of marketing “under particular conditions”–those of …

How business intelligence capability impacts decision-making speed, comprehensiveness, and firm performance

A Alzghoul, AA Khaddam… - Information …, 2024 -
Scholars and practitioners have trumpeted business intelligence (BI) capability as a game-
changer due to its significant impact on firm performance. Despite these claims, the …

[PDF][PDF] Impact of Digitalization on the Speed of Internationalization

YY Lee, M Falahat, BK Sia - International Business Research, 2019 -
Digitalization combined with globalization is the current megatrend that impacting the
international business landscape and creates opportunities for new business models …