Principles and applicability of integrated remediation strategies for heavy metal removal/recovery from contaminated environments
Contamination of agricultural soils with heavy metals present lethal consequences in terms
of diverse ecological and environmental problems that entail entry of metal in food chain …
of diverse ecological and environmental problems that entail entry of metal in food chain …
Casting light on the micro-organisms in digestate: Diversity and untapped potential
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an established process for waste conversion to bioenergy.
However, for the AD process to be viable, it is imperative that all products be adequately …
However, for the AD process to be viable, it is imperative that all products be adequately …
Anaerobic digestion: Climate change mitigation through sustainable organic waste valorization
A tremendous amount of organic waste produced annually is often burned in the open or
disposed in unmanaged open dumps, landfills, and wastewater streams. Organic waste …
disposed in unmanaged open dumps, landfills, and wastewater streams. Organic waste …
Social life cycle assessment of low-tech digesters for biogas and biofertiliser production in small-scale farms
This study aimed to assess the social performance of a low-tech digester implemented in a
small-scale farm in Colombia. To this aim, a Social Life Cycle Assessment framework was …
small-scale farm in Colombia. To this aim, a Social Life Cycle Assessment framework was …
The Use Of Biogas By Households: A Case Study In Akwatia, Eastern Region, Ghana
N Baka - 2023 - ir.ucc.edu.gh
This study sought to examine the use of biogas among households in Akwatia. It assessed
the extent of household willingness to adopt biogas as domestic fuel, identified factors …
the extent of household willingness to adopt biogas as domestic fuel, identified factors …
Assessment of the Magnitude of and Factors Influencing Milk Post-harvest Losses Along the Dairy Formal Marketing Channel in Nyeri County, Kenya
MN Mbaya - 2023 - erepository.uonbi.ac.ke
In Kenya, the dairy sub-sector is the highest contributor to the livestock sector at 8 percent of
Gross Domestic Product. However, of all the milk produced, only 30 percent is traded along …
Gross Domestic Product. However, of all the milk produced, only 30 percent is traded along …