A half a decade timeline of shape memory alloys in modeling and applications
To unlock the lock of futuristic developments, nowadays shape memory alloys (SMAs) are
acting as key by outnumbering the existing smart materials in view of new design …
acting as key by outnumbering the existing smart materials in view of new design …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling the anisotropic elastocaloric effect of textured NiMnGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloys
Directionally solidified NiMnGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) can exhibit
anisotropic elastocaloric effect due to large transformation latent heat release/absorption …
anisotropic elastocaloric effect due to large transformation latent heat release/absorption …
Design and performance analysis of magnetic shape memory alloy actuator with a compact electromagnetic coil configuration
Magnetic shape memory alloy (MSMA), which has emerged in recent years, has been
proven to have great potential for electromagnetic actuators due to the long life cycle, fast …
proven to have great potential for electromagnetic actuators due to the long life cycle, fast …
Frequency-dependent energy harvesting via magnetic shape memory alloys
This paper is focused on presenting an accurate framework to describe frequency-
dependent energy harvesting via magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs). Modeling …
dependent energy harvesting via magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs). Modeling …
A geometrical approach to determine reorientation start and continuation conditions in ferromagnetic shape memory alloys considering the effects of loading history
Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) and magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs)
are metallic alloys that can undergo inelastic responses when exposed to magnetic fields …
are metallic alloys that can undergo inelastic responses when exposed to magnetic fields …
Finite element simulation of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys using a revised constitutive model
In this article, a previously developed constitutive model for ferromagnetic shape memory
alloys is phenomenologically enhanced using experimental observations. A modified phase …
alloys is phenomenologically enhanced using experimental observations. A modified phase …
Three-dimensional constitutive model for magneto-mechanical deformation of NiMnGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloy single crystals
Existing experimental results have shown that four types of physical mechanisms, namely,
martensite transformation, martensite reorientation, magnetic domain wall motion and …
martensite transformation, martensite reorientation, magnetic domain wall motion and …
Analysis of nonlinear free vibration of a beam with magnetic shape memory alloy elements
M Mohammadsalehi… - Journal of Intelligent …, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
In this study, nonlinear vibration of a clamped–clamped beam containing magnetic shape
memory alloy is investigated through combining the constitutive relations of magnetic shape …
memory alloy is investigated through combining the constitutive relations of magnetic shape …
Study of a magnetic SMA-based energy harvester using a corrugated structure
O Safari, MR Zakerzadeh… - Journal of Intelligent …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
In recent years demand for mobile electrical power has been increased and due to this
application, energy harvester systems have been developed to convert mechanical energy …
application, energy harvester systems have been developed to convert mechanical energy …
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Magnetic Shape Memory Alloy Oscillator
JM Souza, LLS Monteiro… - Journal of …, 2024 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Magnetic shape memory alloys (MSMAs) constitute a class of smart materials capable of
exhibiting large magnetic field induced strain (MFIS) when subjected to magnetomechanical …
exhibiting large magnetic field induced strain (MFIS) when subjected to magnetomechanical …