Navigating ontological (in) security in EU–Africa relations

T Haastrup, N Duggan, L Mah - Global affairs, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Six decades on and several attempts to re-set EU-Africa relations, it is appropriate to take
stock of the relationship especially in light of changes in both continents since 2000. This …

[КНИГА][B] Europe's burden: Promoting good governance across borders

A Mungiu-Pippidi - 2020 -
" There is one country in the world which is everybody's dream: Switzerland. The small
Alpine Republic is universally perceived as the world's highest achievement in democracy …

[КНИГА][B] The future of European development banking: What role and place for the European Investment Bank?

B Erforth - 2020 -
The European Investment Bank (EIB) not only is the bank of the European Union (EU), it
also is the world's largest multilateral lender. Hitherto rarely at the centre of public attention …

Blended finance and its potential for development cooperation

K Küblböck, H Grohs - 2019 -
The implementation of the Agenda 2030 entails massive financing needs. The debate
increasingly emphasizes the importance of the private sector and the role of aid …

[PDF][PDF] What is the European External Investment Plan really about

S Große-Puppendahl, S Bilal - ECDPM Briefing Note, 2018 -
Much more quality private investment is essential for sustainable development. Global
commitments, such as the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development …

[КНИГА][B] Fluchtursachenbekämpfung: Umkämpfte Migrationspolitik im Sommer der Migration 2015

J Kopp - 2023 -
Der» Sommer der Migration «2015 transformierte die europäische Migrationspolitik. Judith
Kopp analysiert anhand des Fluchtursachen-Diskurses, wie gesellschaftliche Akteur* innen …

[PDF][PDF] Sailing new waters in international cooperation

M Di Ciommo, M Sayós Monràs - On the way to framing future EU's …, 2018 -
Global development has changed substantially in recent decades. We have moved from a
world in which a majority of poor develo** countries entitled to development assistance co …

[PDF][PDF] The Future of European Development Banking

B Erforth - What Role and Place for the European -
Executive summary The European Investment Bank (EIB) is not only the bank of the
European Union (EU), it is also the world's largest multilateral lender. Hitherto rarely at the …

[PDF][PDF] Investment promotion for sustainable development

S Große-Puppendahl, K Karaki, S Bilal - 2016 -
In recent years and in the aftermath of the world financial crisis, economic slowdown in
Europe has encouraged European governments and the European Union (EU) to set up …

[HTML][HTML] «Blending»,«PPP»: le secteur privé comme acteur du développement?–Gresea

R Gelin - 2018 -
La capacité budgétaire de la plupart des pays africains, l'optimisation fiscale des groupes
transnationaux et le non-respect des engagements des pays riches en termes d'aide au …