The topological structure of fractal tilings generated by quadratic number systems
Let α be a root of an irreducible quadratic polynomial x2+ Ax+ B with integer coefficients A, B
and assume that α forms a canonical number system, ie, each x∈ ℤ [α] admits a …
and assume that α forms a canonical number system, ie, each x∈ ℤ [α] admits a …
Canonical number systems, counting automata and fractals
In this paper we study properties of the fundamental domain [Fscr] β of number systems,
which are defined in rings of integers of number fields. First we construct addition automata …
which are defined in rings of integers of number fields. First we construct addition automata …
[KNYGA][B] Neighbours of self-affine tiles in lattice tilings
K Scheicher, JM Thuswaldner - 2003 - Springer
Let T be a tile of a self-affine lattice tiling. We give an algorithm that allows to determine all
neighbours of T in the tiling. This can be used to characterize the sets VL of points, where T …
neighbours of T in the tiling. This can be used to characterize the sets VL of points, where T …
Topological properties of two-dimensional number systems
Pour une matrice réelle M d'ordre 2 donnée, on peut définir la notion de représentation M-
adique d'un élément de ℝ 2. On note ℱ le domaine fondamental constitué des nombres de …
adique d'un élément de ℝ 2. On note ℱ le domaine fondamental constitué des nombres de …
Natural tiling, lattice tiling and Lebesgue measure of integral self-affine tiles
JP Gabardo, X Yu - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2006 - cambridge.org
TILES Page 1 J. London Math. Soc. (2) 74 (2006) 184–204 Cо2006 London Mathematical …
TILES Page 1 J. London Math. Soc. (2) 74 (2006) 184–204 Cо2006 London Mathematical …
Boundary parametrization of self-affine tiles
S Akiyama, B Loridant - Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, 2011 - jstage.jst.go.jp
A standard way to parametrize the boundary of a connected fractal tile T is proposed. The
parametrization is Hölder continuous from R/Z to∂ T and fixed points of∂ T have algebraic …
parametrization is Hölder continuous from R/Z to∂ T and fixed points of∂ T have algebraic …
On the boundary connectedness of connected tiles
On the boundary connectedness of connected tiles Page 1 Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. (2004),
137, 397 c© 2004 Cambridge Philosophical Society DOI: 10.1017/S0305004104007625 …
137, 397 c© 2004 Cambridge Philosophical Society DOI: 10.1017/S0305004104007625 …
Height reducing property of polynomials and self-affine tiles
A monic polynomial f (x) ∈\mathbb Z x is said to have the height reducing property (HRP) if
there exists a polynomial h (x) ∈\mathbb Z x such that f (x) h (x)= a_n x^ n+ a_ n-1 x^ n-1+ …
there exists a polynomial h (x) ∈\mathbb Z x such that f (x) h (x)= a_n x^ n+ a_ n-1 x^ n-1+ …
[PDF][PDF] Intersecting two-dimensional fractals with lines
The Twin Dragon and Rauzy fractals are intersected with the real axis. In the Twin Dragon
case, unexpectedly from its fractal nature, the intersection is an interval characterized by a …
case, unexpectedly from its fractal nature, the intersection is an interval characterized by a …
Asymptotic normality of b-additive functions on polynomial sequences in the Gaussian number field
B Gittenberger, JM Thuswaldner - Journal of Number Theory, 2000 - Elsevier
We consider the asymptotic behavior of b-additive functions f with respect to a base b of a
canonical number system in the Gaussian number field. In particular, we get a normal limit …
canonical number system in the Gaussian number field. In particular, we get a normal limit …