Being John Harper: Using evolutionary ideas to improve understanding of global patterns in plant traits
AT Moles - Journal of Ecology, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
This review summarizes current understanding of five key plant traits: seed mass, plant
height, wood density, leaf mass per unit area and leaf size, emphasizing ways in which our …
height, wood density, leaf mass per unit area and leaf size, emphasizing ways in which our …
Allometric equations for integrating remote sensing imagery into forest monitoring programmes
Remote sensing is revolutionizing the way we study forests, and recent technological
advances mean we are now able–for the first time–to identify and measure the crown …
advances mean we are now able–for the first time–to identify and measure the crown …
Tree‐centric map** of forest carbon density from airborne laser scanning and hyperspectral data
Forests are a major component of the global carbon cycle, and accurate estimation of forest
carbon stocks and fluxes is important in the context of anthropogenic global change …
carbon stocks and fluxes is important in the context of anthropogenic global change …
Testing the generality of above‐ground biomass allometry across plant functional types at the continent scale
Accurate ground‐based estimation of the carbon stored in terrestrial ecosystems is critical to
quantifying the global carbon budget. Allometric models provide cost‐effective methods for …
quantifying the global carbon budget. Allometric models provide cost‐effective methods for …
Mid-Devonian Archaeopteris roots signal revolutionary change in earliest fossil forests
The origin of trees and forests in the Mid Devonian (393–383 Ma) was a turning point in
Earth history, marking permanent changes to terrestrial ecology, geochemical cycles …
Earth history, marking permanent changes to terrestrial ecology, geochemical cycles …
Diversity and competition influence tree allometric relationships–Develo** functions for mixed‐species forests
Promoting mixed‐species forests is an important strategy for adaptation and risk reduction in
the face of global change. Concurrently, a main challenge in ecology is to quantify the …
the face of global change. Concurrently, a main challenge in ecology is to quantify the …
Using social media user attributes to understand human–environment interactions at urban parks
Urban parks and green spaces are among the few places where city dwellers can have
regular contact with nature and engage in outdoor recreation. Social media data provide …
regular contact with nature and engage in outdoor recreation. Social media data provide …
[HTML][HTML] Comparing individual tree height information derived from field surveys, LiDAR and UAV-DAP for high-value timber species in Northern Japan
High-value timber species such as monarch birch (Betula maximowicziana Regel), castor
aralia (Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz), and Japanese oak (Quercus crispula …
aralia (Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz), and Japanese oak (Quercus crispula …
Tallo: A global tree allometry and crown architecture database
Data capturing multiple axes of tree size and shape, such as a tree's stem diameter, height
and crown size, underpin a wide range of ecological research—from develo** and testing …
and crown size, underpin a wide range of ecological research—from develo** and testing …
Height–Diameter allometry in South Africa's indigenous high forests: Assessing generic models performance and function forms
Height-diameter equations are essential to understand forest dynamics and estimate forest
biomass and carbon stocks. Most existing large scale height-diameter equations in Africa …
biomass and carbon stocks. Most existing large scale height-diameter equations in Africa …