[KNIHA][B] Disciplined convex programming

M Grant, S Boyd, Y Ye - 2006 - Springer
A new methodology for constructing convex optimization models called disciplined convex
programming is introduced. The methodology enforces a set of conventions upon the …

Estimation for Uncertain Systems With Limited Communication Capacity

H Gao, T Chen - IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper investigates the problem of robust H infin estimation for uncertain systems
subject to limited communication capacity. The parameter uncertainty belongs to a given …

Delay-dependent output-feedback stabilisation of discrete-time systems with time-varying state delay

H Gao, J Lam, C Wang, Y Wang - IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and …, 2004 - IET
The output-feedback stabilisation problem is solved for discrete-time systems with time-
varying delay in the state. A stability condition is first proposed, which is dependent on the …

A delay-dependent approach to robust H/sub/spl infin//filtering for uncertain discrete-time state-delayed systems

H Gao, C Wang - IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A delay-dependent approach to robust H/sub/spl infin//filtering is proposed for linear discrete-
time uncertain systems with multiple delays in the state. The uncertain parameters are …

Robust filtering under randomly varying sensor delay with variance constraints

Z Wang, DWC Ho, X Liu - … on Circuits and Systems II: Express …, 2004 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper deals with a new filtering problem for linear uncertain discrete-time stochastic
systems with randomly varying sensor delay. The norm-bounded parameter uncertainties …

Event-based H∞ filtering for networked system with communication delay

S Hu, D Yue - Signal Processing, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper is concerned with the problem of event-based H∞ filtering for networked systems
with communication delay (or signal transmission delay). We first propose a novel event …

Robust output-feedback controller design via local BMI optimization

S Kanev, C Scherer, M Verhaegen, B De Schutter - Automatica, 2004 - Elsevier
The problem of designing a globally optimal full-order output-feedback controller for
polytopic uncertain systems is known to be a non-convex NP-hard optimization problem, that …

Robust H∞ filtering for nonlinear stochastic systems with uncertainties and Markov delays

H Li, Y Shi - Automatica, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the H∞ filtering problem for a class of general nonlinear stochastic
systems considering model uncertainties and random time delays governed by Markov …

Robust fault detection with missing measurements

H Gao, T Chen, L Wang - International Journal of Control, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
This paper investigates the problem of robust fault detection for uncertain systems with
missing measurements. The parameter uncertainty is assumed to be of polytopic type, and …

Robust H/sub/spl infin//filtering of linear systems with time-varying delay

E Fridman, U Shaked, L **e - IEEE Transactions on Automatic …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A robust delay-dependent H/sub/spl infin//filtering design is proposed for linear continuous
systems with parameter uncertainty and time-varying delay. The resulting filter is of the …