Colloquium: Nonlinear collective interactions in quantum plasmas with degenerate electron fluids

PK Shukla, B Eliasson - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2011 - APS
The current understanding of some important nonlinear collective processes in quantum
plasmas with degenerate electrons is presented. After reviewing the basic properties of …

Solitary waves in an ultrarelativistic degenerate dense plasma

AA Mamun, PK Shukla - Physics of Plasmas, 2010 -
Solitary waves in an ultrarelativistic degenerate dense plasma have been investigated by
the reductive perturbation method. The modified Korteweg–de Vries equation has been …

Arbitrary amplitude solitary waves and double layers in an ultra-relativistic degenerate dense dusty plasma

AA Mamun, PK Shukla - Physics Letters A, 2010 - Elsevier
Arbitrary amplitude solitary waves (SWs) and double layers (DLs) in an ultra-relativistic
degenerate dense dusty plasma (containing ultra-relativistic degenerate ultra-cold electron …

Nonlinear ion modes in a dense plasma with strongly coupled ions and degenerate electron fluids

PK Shukla, AA Mamun, DA Mendis - … Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2011 - APS
The properties of solitary and shock structures associated with nonlinear ion modes in a
dense plasma with strongly coupled nondegenerate ions and degenerate electron fluids are …

Solitary waves and double layers in an ultra-relativistic degenerate dusty electron-positron-ion plasma

N Roy, S Tasnim, AA Mamun - Physics of Plasmas, 2012 -
A rigorous theoretical investigation has been made on the formation of the nonlinear
structures (viz., solitary waves, double layers) in a dusty electron-positron-ion plasma …

Nonplanar ion-acoustic shock waves in degenerate plasmas with positively charged heavy ions

MR Hossen, L Nahar, S Sultana, AA Mamun - High Energy Density Physics, 2014 - Elsevier
The theoretical and numerical study on the nonlinear propagation of heavy-ion-acoustic
(HIA) shock waves has been carried out in an unmagnetized, collisionless dense plasma …

Nonlinear electromagnetic perturbations in a degenerate ultrarelativistic electron-positron plasma

WF El-Taibany, AA Mamun - Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and …, 2012 - APS
Nonlinear propagation of fast and slow magnetosonic perturbation modes in an
ultrarelativistic, ultracold, degenerate (extremely dense) electron positron (EP) plasma …

Oblique collision of ion acoustic solitons in a relativistic degenerate plasma

SK El-Labany, WF El-Taibany, EE Behery… - Scientific Reports, 2020 -
The interaction (oblique collision) of two ion acoustic solitons (IASs) in a magnetized
relativistic degenerate plasma with relativistic degenerate electrons and non-degenerate …

KBM approach to electron acoustic envelope soliton in viscous astrophysical plasma

J Goswami, J Sarkar - Physica Scripta, 2021 -
Modulation instability (MI) of envelope soliton is studied in an unmagnetized viscous
plasma. Using Krylov-Bogoliubov Mitropolsky (KBM) method, the nonlinear Schrödinger …

Ion solitary pulses in warm plasmas with ultrarelativistic degenerate electrons and positrons

I Zeba, WM Moslem, PK Shukla - The Astrophysical Journal, 2012 -
The nonlinear propagation of ion solitary pulses in a warm collisionless electron–positron–
ion plasma with ultrarelativistic degenerate electrons and positrons has been investigated …