The persistence of polymorphisms across species radiations
Studies on polymorphisms have been foundational to our understanding of evolution. The
presence of different phenotypic morphs is sometimes considered a precursor to speciation …
presence of different phenotypic morphs is sometimes considered a precursor to speciation …
Large scale phenotypic characterisation of Hierophis viridiflavus (Squamata: Serpentes): climatic and environmental drivers suggest the role of evolutionary …
Colour variability is largely widespread in the animal world as it is tightly associated with
fitness and survivorship. Therefore, the drivers and implications of such variability have been …
fitness and survivorship. Therefore, the drivers and implications of such variability have been …
Physiological phenotypes differ among color morphs in introduced common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis)
A Amer, S Spears, PL Vaughn, C Colwell… - Integrative …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Many species exhibit color polymorphisms which have distinct physiological and behavioral
characteristics. However, the consistency of morph trait covariation patterns across species …
characteristics. However, the consistency of morph trait covariation patterns across species …
Amino acid variations in polymorphic noble scallops, Chlamys nobilis
KS Tan, X Leng, Y Zhao, L Hongxing… - Journal of Food …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Noble scallop Chlamys nobilis is an economically important edible marine bivalve that
display polymorphism in shells and flesh colors. The present study was carried out to …
display polymorphism in shells and flesh colors. The present study was carried out to …
Urbanization affects refuge use and habituation to predators in a polymorphic lizard
Highlights•The common wall lizard is a synantropic and colour polymorphic species.•We
investigated effects of habitat and colour morph on antipredator response.•Urbanization …
investigated effects of habitat and colour morph on antipredator response.•Urbanization …
Intensity of male-male competition predicts morph diversity in a color polymorphic lizard
G Perez i de Lanuza, MA Carretero, E Font - Evolution, 2017 -
Sexual selection is one of the main processes involved in the emergence and maintenance
of heritable color polymorphisms in a variety of taxa. Here, we test whether the intensity of …
of heritable color polymorphisms in a variety of taxa. Here, we test whether the intensity of …
Chemical polymorphism in male femoral gland secretions matches polymorphic coloration in common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis)
Previous studies showed that common wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) are polymorphic in
colour, both sexes showing three main ventral morphs (white, yellow and red) within the …
colour, both sexes showing three main ventral morphs (white, yellow and red) within the …
Does a polymorphic species have a 'polymorphic'diet? A case study from a lacertid lizard
S Scali, R Sacchi, M Mangiacotti, F Pupin… - Biological Journal of …, 2016 -
Lizards are ideal for studying colour polymorphism, because some species are polymorphic
and the morphs often have different ecological or reproductive strategies. We studied the …
and the morphs often have different ecological or reproductive strategies. We studied the …
Morph-specific protein patterns in the femoral gland secretions of a colour polymorphic lizard
M Mangiacotti, M Fumagalli, M Cagnone, S Viglio… - Scientific Reports, 2019 -
Colour polymorphism occurs when two or more genetically-based colour morphs
permanently coexist within an interbreeding population. Colouration is usually associated to …
permanently coexist within an interbreeding population. Colouration is usually associated to …
Common Wall Lizard Females (Podarcis muralis) do not Actively Choose Males Based on their Colour Morph
Identifying the processes that lead to the evolution and maintenance of links between colour
morphs and behavioural strategies has implications for the evolution of reproductive …
morphs and behavioural strategies has implications for the evolution of reproductive …