A survey of qualitative spatial and temporal calculi: algebraic and computational properties
Qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning (QSTR) is concerned with symbolic knowledge
representation, typically over infinite domains. The motivations for employing QSTR …
representation, typically over infinite domains. The motivations for employing QSTR …
SpaTeL: a novel spatial-temporal logic and its applications to networked systems
Networked dynamical systems are increasingly used as models for a variety of processes
ranging from robotic teams to collections of genetically engineered living cells. As the …
ranging from robotic teams to collections of genetically engineered living cells. As the …
[KNYGA][B] Handbook of temporal reasoning in artificial intelligence
This collection represents the primary reference work for researchers and students in the
area of Temporal Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence. Temporal reasoning has a vital role to …
area of Temporal Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence. Temporal reasoning has a vital role to …
Monitoring mobile and spatially distributed cyber-physical systems
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) consist of collaborative, networked and tightly intertwined
computational (logical) and physical components, each operating at different spatial and …
computational (logical) and physical components, each operating at different spatial and …
An automata-theoretic approach to constraint LTL
We consider an extension of linear-time temporal logic (LTL) with constraints interpreted
over a concrete domain. We use a new automata-theoretic technique to show PSPACE …
over a concrete domain. We use a new automata-theoretic technique to show PSPACE …
Probabilistic situation recognition for vehicular traffic scenarios
To act intelligently in dynamic environments, a system must understand the current situation
it is involved in at any given time. This requires dealing with temporal context, handling …
it is involved in at any given time. This requires dealing with temporal context, handling …
A novel spatial–temporal specification-based monitoring system for smart cities
With the development of the Internet of Things, millions of sensors are being deployed in
cities to collect real-time data. This leads to a need for checking city states against city …
cities to collect real-time data. This leads to a need for checking city states against city …
Qualitative spatio-temporal reasoning with RCC-8 and Allen's interval calculus: Computational complexity
There exist a number of qualitative constraint calculi that are used to represent and reason
about temporal or spatial configurations. However, there are only very few approaches …
about temporal or spatial configurations. However, there are only very few approaches …
Spatial logic+ temporal logic=?
TEMPORAL LOGIC = ? Roman Kontchakov Birkbeck College, London Agi Kurucz King’s …
TEMPORAL LOGIC = ? Roman Kontchakov Birkbeck College, London Agi Kurucz King’s …
Combining spatial and temporal logics: expressiveness vs. complexity
In this paper, we construct and investigate a hierarchy of spatio-temporal formalisms that
result from various combinations of propositional spatial and temporal logics such as the …
result from various combinations of propositional spatial and temporal logics such as the …