Hausdorff dimension of planar self-affine sets and measures

B Bárány, M Hochman, A Rapaport - Inventiones mathematicae, 2019 - Springer
Let X= ⋃ φ _ i XX=⋃ φ i X be a strongly separated self-affine set in R^ 2 R 2 (or one
satisfying the strong open set condition). Under mild non-conformality and irreducibility …

On fractal dimensions of fractal functions using function spaces

S Chandra, S Abbas - Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2022 -
Based on the work of Mauldin and Williams ['On the Hausdorff dimension of some graphs',
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 298 (2)(1986), 793–803] on convex Lipschitz functions, we prove …

On equality of Hausdorff and affinity dimensions, via self-affine measures on positive subsystems

I Morris, P Shmerkin - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2019 -
Under mild conditions we show that the affinity dimension of a planar self-affine set is equal
to the supremum of the Lyapunov dimensions of self-affine measures supported on self …

L q-spectra of graph-directed planar non-conformal measures

H Qiu, Q Wang, S Wang - Nonlinearity, 2024 -
Lq-spectra of graph-directed planar non-conformal measures Page 1 Nonlinearity PAPER
Lq-spectra of graph-directed planar non-conformal measures To cite this article: Hua Qiu et al …

[PDF][PDF] Shrinking targets on Bedford-McMullen carpets

B Bárány, M Rams - arxiv preprint arxiv:1703.08564, 2017 -
arxiv:1703.08564v1 [math.DS] 24 Mar 2017 Page 1 SHRINKING TARGETS ON BEDFORD-MCMULLEN
CARPETS BALÁZS BÁRÁNY AND MICHA L RAMS Abstract. We describe the shrinking target …

Triangular Gatzouras–Lalley-type planar carpets with overlaps

I Kolossváry, K Simon - Nonlinearity, 2019 -
We construct a family of planar self-affine carpets with overlaps using lower triangular
matrices in a way that generalizes the original Gatzouras–Lalley carpets (Gatzouras and …

Dimensions of random statistically self-affine Sierpinski sponges in Rk

J Barral, DJ Feng - Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 2021 - Elsevier
We compute the Hausdorff dimension of any random statistically self-affine Sierpinski
sponge K⊂ R k (k≥ 2) obtained by using some percolation process in [0, 1] k. To do so, we …

Dimensions of Self-similar Measures and Applications: A Survey

P Shmerkin - New Trends in Applied Harmonic Analysis, Volume 2 …, 2019 - Springer
We present a self-contained proof of a formula for the L^ q dimensions of self-similar
measures on the real line under exponential separation (up to the proof of an inverse …

Dimension of the repeller for a piecewise expanding affine map

B Bárány, M Rams, K Simon - arxiv preprint arxiv:1803.03788, 2018 -
In this paper, we study the dimension theory of a class of piecewise affine systems in
euclidean spaces suggested by Michael Barnsley, with some applications to the fractal …

Contribution à la théorie dimensionnelle de tapis et d'éponges auto-affines en loi ou invariants par multiplication par certains semi-groupes d'entiers

G Brunet - 2022 -
La géométrie fractale, qui entretient des liens étroits avec la théorie ergodique et la théorie
des probabilités, est un sujet très dynamique à l'échelle internationale. Un grand intérêt se …