Sleep and affect: A conceptual review
Everyday experience suggests that sleep and affect are closely linked, with daytime affect
influencing how we sleep, and sleep influencing subsequent affect. Yet empirical evidence …
influencing how we sleep, and sleep influencing subsequent affect. Yet empirical evidence …
[HTML][HTML] Sleep well, mind wander less: A systematic review of the relationship between sleep outcomes and spontaneous cognition
Despite an upsurge of research on spontaneous cognition, little is known about its
associations with sleep-related outcomes. This systematic review, following PRISMA …
associations with sleep-related outcomes. This systematic review, following PRISMA …
The association between individual differences in executive functioning and resting high-frequency heart rate variability
Both resting high-frequency heart rate variability (HF-HRV) and executive functioning (EF)
are individual differences implicated in vulnerability to a wide range of adverse outcomes …
are individual differences implicated in vulnerability to a wide range of adverse outcomes …
Impact of chronotype, insomnia symptoms, sleep duration, and electronic devices on nonrestorative sleep and daytime sleepiness among Japanese adolescents
Objectives Nonrestorative sleep (NRS) and excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) are
important indicators of daytime dysfunction. Electronic media use before bedtime greatly …
important indicators of daytime dysfunction. Electronic media use before bedtime greatly …
Anxiety modifies the emotional effects of sleep loss
It is well known that lack of sleep increases anxiety and degrades mood in a dose–response
fashion, but it is also increasingly clear that higher levels of pre-existing anxiety amplify the …
fashion, but it is also increasingly clear that higher levels of pre-existing anxiety amplify the …
Longitudinal assessment of lifestyle factors associated with nonrestorative sleep in Japan
Objective Nonrestorative sleep (NRS) is common in the general global population. This
study surveyed the incident/remission rate of NRS and identified related lifestyle factors in a …
study surveyed the incident/remission rate of NRS and identified related lifestyle factors in a …
A comprehensive examination of personality factor and facet associations with daily stress processes
Although psychosocial stress is a putative mechanism for personality-health associations,
research has been limited by a lack of comprehensive, fine-tuned assessment. In the current …
research has been limited by a lack of comprehensive, fine-tuned assessment. In the current …
Longitudinal effects of nocturnal insomnia symptom subtypes and nonrestorative sleep on the incidence of depression among community-dwelling older adults: results …
Objective The relationships between different insomnia symptom subtypes and the onset of
depression among older adults are inconsistent. It may be that each subtype has a distinct …
depression among older adults are inconsistent. It may be that each subtype has a distinct …
A daily examination of executive functioning and chronotype in bedtime procrastination
Abstract Study Objectives Bedtime procrastination, or delays in bedtime not attributable to
external obligations, is a behavioral tendency that undermines sleep and is conceptualized …
external obligations, is a behavioral tendency that undermines sleep and is conceptualized …
Executive functioning interacts with complexity of daily life in predicting daily medication management among older adults
Objective: Executive functioning (EF) is critical for performance of instrumental activities of
daily living, including medication management. Under complex conditions, daily activities …
daily living, including medication management. Under complex conditions, daily activities …