Multimodal language processing in human communication
The natural ecology of human language is face-to-face interaction comprising the exchange
of a plethora of multimodal signals. Trying to understand the psycholinguistic processing of …
of a plethora of multimodal signals. Trying to understand the psycholinguistic processing of …
Domain generality versus modality specificity: The paradox of statistical learning
Statistical learning (SL) is typically considered to be a domain-general mechanism by which
cognitive systems discover the underlying distributional properties of the input. However …
cognitive systems discover the underlying distributional properties of the input. However …
[CARTE][B] Consciousness: an introduction
S Blackmore, ET Troscianko - 2018 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Is there a theory that explains the essence of consciousness? Or is consciousness itself an
illusion? Am I conscious now? Now considered the'last great mystery of science' …
illusion? Am I conscious now? Now considered the'last great mystery of science' …
Intersensory binding across space and time: a tutorial review
L Chen, J Vroomen - Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2013 - Springer
Spatial ventriloquism refers to the phenomenon that a visual stimulus such as a flash can
attract the perceived location of a spatially discordant but temporally synchronous sound. An …
attract the perceived location of a spatially discordant but temporally synchronous sound. An …
Sound source localization with varying amount of visual information in virtual reality
To achieve accurate spatial auditory perception, subjects typically require personal head-
related transfer functions (HRTFs) and the freedom for head movements. Loudspeaker …
related transfer functions (HRTFs) and the freedom for head movements. Loudspeaker …
Cybersickness without the wobble: Experimental results speak against postural instability theory
It has been suggested that postural instability is necessary for cybersickness to occur.
Seated and standing subjects used a head-mounted display to view a virtual tunnel that …
Seated and standing subjects used a head-mounted display to view a virtual tunnel that …
Psychophysics and neuronal bases of sound localization in humans
Localization of sound sources is a considerable computational challenge for the human
brain. Whereas the visual system can process basic spatial information in parallel, the …
brain. Whereas the visual system can process basic spatial information in parallel, the …
The ventriloquist illusion as a tool to study multisensory processing: An update
P Bruns - Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Ventriloquism, the illusion that a voice appears to come from the moving mouth of a puppet
rather than from the actual speaker, is one of the classic examples of multisensory …
rather than from the actual speaker, is one of the classic examples of multisensory …
Influences of multisensory experience on subsequent unisensory processing
Multisensory perception has been the focus of intense investigation in recent years. It is now
well-established that crossmodal interactions are ubiquitous in perceptual processing and …
well-established that crossmodal interactions are ubiquitous in perceptual processing and …
Recalibration of auditory space following milliseconds of cross-modal discrepancy
DR Wozny, L Shams - Journal of Neuroscience, 2011 - jneurosci.org
Basic features of objects and events in the environment such as timing and spatial location
are encoded by multiple sensory modalities. This redundancy in sensory coding allows …
are encoded by multiple sensory modalities. This redundancy in sensory coding allows …