Histogram equalization variants as optimization problems: a review
In the consumer electronics field, the main challenge in image processing is to preserve the
original brightness. Histogram Equalization (HE) is one of the simplest and widely used …
original brightness. Histogram Equalization (HE) is one of the simplest and widely used …
A comprehensive experiment-based review of low-light image enhancement methods and benchmarking low-light image quality assessment
Low-light image enhancement is a notoriously challenging problem. Enhancement of low-
light images is intended to increase contrast, adjust the tone, suppress noise, and produce …
light images is intended to increase contrast, adjust the tone, suppress noise, and produce …
Malignancy detection in lung and colon histopathology images using transfer learning with class selective image processing
Cancer accounts for a huge mortality rate due to its aggressiveness, colossal potential of
metastasis, and heterogeneity (causing resistance against chemotherapy). Lung and colon …
metastasis, and heterogeneity (causing resistance against chemotherapy). Lung and colon …
An adaptive gamma correction for image enhancement
Due to the limitations of image-capturing devices or the presence of a non-ideal
environment, the quality of digital images may get degraded. In spite of much advancement …
environment, the quality of digital images may get degraded. In spite of much advancement …
Brightness preserving dynamic histogram equalization for image contrast enhancement
H Ibrahim, NSP Kong - IEEE Transactions on Consumer …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Histogram equalization (HE) is one of the common methods used for improving contrast in
digital images. However, this technique is not very well suited to be implemented in …
digital images. However, this technique is not very well suited to be implemented in …
Mathematical analysis of histogram equalization techniques for medical image enhancement: a tutorial from the perspective of data loss
This tutorial demonstrates a novel mathematical analysis of histogram equalization
techniques and its application in medical image enhancement. In this paper, conventional …
techniques and its application in medical image enhancement. In this paper, conventional …
Bi-histogram equalization with a plateau limit for digital image enhancement
CH Ooi, NSP Kong, H Ibrahim - IEEE transactions on consumer …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Many histogram equalization based methods have been introduced for the use in consumer
electronics in recent years. Yet, many of these methods are relatively complicated to be …
electronics in recent years. Yet, many of these methods are relatively complicated to be …
Automatic shoreline detection and change detection analysis of netravati-gurpurrivermouth using histogram equalization and adaptive thresholding techniques
R Aedla, GS Dwarakish, DV Reddy - Aquatic Procedia, 2015 - Elsevier
The shoreline change extraction and change detection analysis is an important task that has
application in different fields such as development of setback planning, hazard zoning …
application in different fields such as development of setback planning, hazard zoning …
Contrast enhancement and brightness preserving of digital mammograms using fuzzy clipped contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization algorithm
A novel fuzzy logic and histogram based algorithm called Fuzzy Clipped Contrast-Limited
Adaptive Histogram Equalization (FC-CLAHE) algorithm is proposed for enhancing the local …
Adaptive Histogram Equalization (FC-CLAHE) algorithm is proposed for enhancing the local …
Low contrast enhancement technique for color images using interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets with contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization
This work introduces a program to enhance images taken in low-light. Fuzzy set theory is
creating a significant shift in image processing. Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFS) …
creating a significant shift in image processing. Interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IVIFS) …