From quantum chaos and eigenstate thermalization to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics

L D'Alessio, Y Kafri, A Polkovnikov, M Rigol - Advances in Physics, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This review gives a pedagogical introduction to the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis
(ETH), its basis, and its implications to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. In the first …

Quantum chaos and thermalization in isolated systems of interacting particles

F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev, LF Santos, VG Zelevinsky - Physics Reports, 2016 - Elsevier
This review is devoted to the problem of thermalization in a small isolated conglomerate of
interacting constituents. A variety of physically important systems of intensive current interest …

[KNYGA][B] Random operators

M Aizenman, S Warzel - 2015 -
This book provides an introduction to the mathematical theory of disorder effects on quantum
spectra and dynamics. Topics covered range from the basic theory of spectra and dynamics …

Decoherence from spin environments

FM Cucchietti, JP Paz, WH Zurek - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and …, 2005 - APS
We examine two exactly solvable models of decoherence—a central spin-system,(i) with
and (ii) without a self-Hamiltonian, interacting with a collection of environment spins. In the …

Time-resolved observation of thermalization in an isolated quantum system

G Clos, D Porras, U Warring, T Schaetz - Physical review letters, 2016 - APS
We use trapped atomic ions forming a hybrid Coulomb crystal and exploit its phonons to
study an isolated quantum system composed of a single spin coupled to an engineered …

Structure of compound states in the chaotic spectrum of the Ce atom: Localization properties, matrix elements, and enhancement of weak perturbations

VV Flambaum, AA Gribakina, GF Gribakin, MG Kozlov - Physical Review A, 1994 - APS
The aim of the present paper is to analyze a realistic model of a quantum chaotic system: the
spectrum and the eigenstates of the rare-earth atom of Ce. Using the relativistic …

Golden rule decay versus Lyapunov decay of the quantum Loschmidt echo

P Jacquod, PG Silvestrov, CWJ Beenakker - Physical Review E, 2001 - APS
The overlap of two wave packets evolving in time with slightly different Hamiltonians decays
exponentially∝ e− γ t, for perturbation strengths U greater than the level spacing Δ. We …

Speck of chaos

LF Santos, F Pérez-Bernal, EJ Torres-Herrera - Physical Review Research, 2020 - APS
It has been shown that, despite being local, a perturbation applied to a single site of the one-
dimensional XXZ model is enough to bring this interacting integrable spin-1/2 system to the …

Onset of chaos and relaxation in isolated systems of interacting spins: Energy shell approach

LF Santos, F Borgonovi, FM Izrailev - … E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter …, 2012 - APS
We study the onset of chaos and statistical relaxation in two isolated dynamical quantum
systems of interacting spins 1/2, one of which is integrable and the other chaotic. Our …

Quantum chaos: An introduction via chains of interacting spins 1/2

A Gubin, LF Santos - American Journal of Physics, 2012 -
We introduce aspects of quantum chaos by analyzing the eigenvalues and the eigenstates
of quantum many-body systems. The properties of quantum systems whose classical …