[HTML][HTML] The assessment of water-borne erosion at catchment level using GIS-based RUSLE and remote sensing: A review

K Phinzi, NS Ngetar - International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2019 - Elsevier
Soil erosion is a direct product of the complex interactions between natural and
anthropogenic factors. Such factors vary over space and time, making the assessment of soil …

Substantial increase in abrupt shifts between drought and flood events in China based on observations and model simulations

Y Zhang, Q You, S Ullah, C Chen, L Shen… - Science of the Total …, 2023 - Elsevier
Drought-flood abrupt alternation (DFAA) refers to the rapid transformation between droughts
and floods, posing serious threats to ecological security, food production, and human safety …

Evaluation of NASA POWER and ERA5-Land for estimating tropical precipitation and temperature extremes

ML Tan, AM Armanuos, I Ahmadianfar, V Demir… - Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
Long-term gridded climate data, NASA Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resources (NASA
POWER) and the fifth generation of European ReAnalysis Land Component (ERA5-Land) …

Comparison of GPM IMERG, TMPA 3B42 and PERSIANN-CDR satellite precipitation products over Malaysia

ML Tan, H Santo - Atmospheric Research, 2018 - Elsevier
The launch of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission has prompted the
assessment of the newly released satellite precipitation products (SPPs) in different parts of …

[HTML][HTML] Assessment of GPM and TRMM precipitation products over Singapore

ML Tan, Z Duan - Remote Sensing, 2017 - mdpi.com
The evaluation of satellite precipitation products (SPPs) at regional and local scales is
essential in improving satellite-based algorithms and sensors, as well as in providing …

[HTML][HTML] An analysis of long-term rainfall trends and variability in the uttarakhand himalaya using google earth engine

A Banerjee, R Chen, M E. Meadows, RB Singh, S Mal… - Remote Sensing, 2020 - mdpi.com
This paper analyses the spatio-temporal trends and variability in annual, seasonal, and
monthly rainfall with corresponding rainy days in Bhilangana river basin, Uttarakhand …

Comparison and evaluation of gridded precipitation datasets for streamflow simulation in data scarce watersheds of Ethiopia

M Musie, S Sen, P Srivastava - Journal of hydrology, 2019 - Elsevier
The objective of this study was to evaluate the hydrologic performance of gridded
precipitation datasets for streamflow simulation in Ethiopia. Four products are prominent in …

Evaluation and hydrological application of precipitation estimates derived from PERSIANN‐CDR, TRMM 3B42V7, and NCEP‐CFSR over humid regions in China

Q Zhu, W Xuan, L Liu, YP Xu - Hydrological Processes, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Satellite‐based and reanalysis quantitative precipitation estimates are attractive for
hydrologic prediction or forecasting and reliable water resources management, especially …

Multi-scale validation of GLEAM evapotranspiration products over China via ChinaFLUX ET measurements

X Yang, B Yong, L Ren, Y Zhang… - International Journal of …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Land evapotranspiration (ET) is a key component of terrestrial ecosystems, as it is the nexus
of hydrological, energy, and carbon cycles. Satellite-based observations are commonly …

Validation of GPM IMERG V05 and V06 precipitation products over Iran

SM Hosseini-Moghari, Q Tang - Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2020 - journals.ametsoc.org
This study attempts to assess the validity of the Integrated Multisatellite Retrievals for Global
Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) products across Iran. Six IMERG precipitation products …