Mirroring and beyond: coupled dynamics as a generalized framework for modelling social interactions

U Hasson, CD Frith - … Transactions of the Royal Society B …, 2016 - royalsocietypublishing.org
When people observe one another, behavioural alignment can be detected at many levels,
from the physical to the mental. Likewise, when people process the same highly complex …

Brain-to-brain coupling: a mechanism for creating and sharing a social world

U Hasson, AA Ghazanfar, B Galantucci… - Trends in cognitive …, 2012 - cell.com
Cognition materializes in an interpersonal space. The emergence of complex behaviors
requires the coordination of actions among individuals according to a shared set of rules …

Regimes of expectations: An active inference model of social conformity and human decision making

A Constant, MJD Ramstead, SPL Veissière… - Frontiers in …, 2019 - frontiersin.org
How do humans come to acquire shared expectations about how they ought to behave in
distinct normalized social settings? This paper offers a normative framework to answer this …

The neuroethology of spontaneous mimicry and emotional contagion in human and non-human animals

E Palagi, A Celeghin, M Tamietto, P Winkielman… - Neuroscience & …, 2020 - Elsevier
Spontaneous mimicry appears fundamental to emotional perception and contagion,
especially when it involves facial emotional expressions. Here we cover recent evidence on …

Second-order free-riding on antisocial punishment restores the effectiveness of prosocial punishment

A Szolnoki, M Perc - Physical Review X, 2017 - APS
Economic experiments have shown that punishment can increase public goods game
contributions over time. However, the effectiveness of punishment is challenged by second …

Adopted utility calculus: Origins of a concept of social affiliation

LJ Powell - Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
To successfully navigate their social world, humans need to understand and map enduring
relationships between people: Humans need a concept of social affiliation. Here I propose …

Alignment in social interactions

M Gallotti, MT Fairhurst, CD Frith - Consciousness and cognition, 2017 - Elsevier
According to the prevailing paradigm in social-cognitive neuroscience, the mental states of
individuals become shared when they adapt to each other in the pursuit of a shared goal …

The role of prediction in social neuroscience

EC Brown, M Brüne - Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2012 - frontiersin.org
Research has shown that the brain is constantly making predictions about future events.
Theories of prediction in perception, action and learning suggest that the brain serves to …


G Goldenberg - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The term apraxia refers to 'higher level'disorders of motor control. Apraxia differs from other
motor symptoms of unilateral brain damage by the bilaterality of symptoms following …

Beautiful game theory: How soccer can help economics

I Palacios-Huerta - 2014 - torrossa.com
“A wealth of research in recent decades has seen the economic approach to human
behavior extended over many areas previously considered to belong to sociology, political …