Mirroring and beyond: coupled dynamics as a generalized framework for modelling social interactions
When people observe one another, behavioural alignment can be detected at many levels,
from the physical to the mental. Likewise, when people process the same highly complex …
from the physical to the mental. Likewise, when people process the same highly complex …
Brain-to-brain coupling: a mechanism for creating and sharing a social world
Cognition materializes in an interpersonal space. The emergence of complex behaviors
requires the coordination of actions among individuals according to a shared set of rules …
requires the coordination of actions among individuals according to a shared set of rules …
Regimes of expectations: An active inference model of social conformity and human decision making
How do humans come to acquire shared expectations about how they ought to behave in
distinct normalized social settings? This paper offers a normative framework to answer this …
distinct normalized social settings? This paper offers a normative framework to answer this …
The neuroethology of spontaneous mimicry and emotional contagion in human and non-human animals
Spontaneous mimicry appears fundamental to emotional perception and contagion,
especially when it involves facial emotional expressions. Here we cover recent evidence on …
especially when it involves facial emotional expressions. Here we cover recent evidence on …
Second-order free-riding on antisocial punishment restores the effectiveness of prosocial punishment
Economic experiments have shown that punishment can increase public goods game
contributions over time. However, the effectiveness of punishment is challenged by second …
contributions over time. However, the effectiveness of punishment is challenged by second …
Adopted utility calculus: Origins of a concept of social affiliation
LJ Powell - Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
To successfully navigate their social world, humans need to understand and map enduring
relationships between people: Humans need a concept of social affiliation. Here I propose …
relationships between people: Humans need a concept of social affiliation. Here I propose …
Alignment in social interactions
According to the prevailing paradigm in social-cognitive neuroscience, the mental states of
individuals become shared when they adapt to each other in the pursuit of a shared goal …
individuals become shared when they adapt to each other in the pursuit of a shared goal …
The role of prediction in social neuroscience
EC Brown, M Brüne - Frontiers in human neuroscience, 2012 - frontiersin.org
Research has shown that the brain is constantly making predictions about future events.
Theories of prediction in perception, action and learning suggest that the brain serves to …
Theories of prediction in perception, action and learning suggest that the brain serves to …
G Goldenberg - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The term apraxia refers to 'higher level'disorders of motor control. Apraxia differs from other
motor symptoms of unilateral brain damage by the bilaterality of symptoms following …
motor symptoms of unilateral brain damage by the bilaterality of symptoms following …
Beautiful game theory: How soccer can help economics
I Palacios-Huerta - 2014 - torrossa.com
“A wealth of research in recent decades has seen the economic approach to human
behavior extended over many areas previously considered to belong to sociology, political …
behavior extended over many areas previously considered to belong to sociology, political …