Early software defects density prediction: training the international software benchmarking cross projects data using supervised learning
Recent reviews of the literature indicate the need for empirical studies on cross-project
defect prediction (CPDP) that would allow aggregation of the evidence and improve …
defect prediction (CPDP) that would allow aggregation of the evidence and improve …
Web effort estimation: function point analysis vs. COSMIC
Context: software development effort estimation is a crucial management task that critically
depends on the adopted size measure. Several Functional Size Measurement (FSM) …
depends on the adopted size measure. Several Functional Size Measurement (FSM) …
Experience: Quality benchmarking of datasets used in software effort estimation
Data is a cornerstone of empirical software engineering (ESE) research and practice. Data
underpin numerous process and project management activities, including the estimation of …
underpin numerous process and project management activities, including the estimation of …
A taxonomy of data quality challenges in empirical software engineering
Reliable empirical models such as those used in software effort estimation or defect
prediction are inherently dependent on the data from which they are built. As demands for …
prediction are inherently dependent on the data from which they are built. As demands for …
Automated COSMIC Function Point measurement using a requirements engineering ontology
Context There are two interrelated difficulties in requirements engineering processes. First,
free-format modelling practices in requirements engineering activities may lead to low …
free-format modelling practices in requirements engineering activities may lead to low …
Data cleaning techniques for software engineering data sets
GA Liebchen - 2010 - bura.brunel.ac.uk
Data quality is an important issue which has been addressed and recognised in research
communities such as data warehousing, data mining and information systems. It has been …
communities such as data warehousing, data mining and information systems. It has been …
Application of a Size Measurement Standard for Data Warehouse Projects
Methodology In this research, we conducted a case study to establish a foundation for size
measurement and effort estimation in DWH projects. We first applied a productivity‐based …
measurement and effort estimation in DWH projects. We first applied a productivity‐based …
A study on the statistical convertibility of IFPUG function point, COSMIC function point and simple function point
Background Several functional size measurement methods have been proposed. A few
ones–like IFPUG and COSMIC methods–are widely used, while others–like Simple Function …
ones–like IFPUG and COSMIC methods–are widely used, while others–like Simple Function …
IFPUG Function Points to COSMIC Function Points convertibility: A fine-grained statistical approach
Background Functional size measurement is widely used in software organizations because
it supports the estimation of software development effort. Function Point Analysis was the …
it supports the estimation of software development effort. Function Point Analysis was the …
On the seven misconceptions about functional size measurement
Among the various approaches to software size measurement, Functional Size
Measurement has been widely recognized for its usability in early phases of software …
Measurement has been widely recognized for its usability in early phases of software …