A collaborative and integrated platform to support distributed manufacturing system using a service-oriented approach based on cloud computing paradigm
Today's manufacturing enterprises struggle to adopt cost-effective manufacturing systems.
Overview of the recent manufacturing enterprises shows that successful global …
Overview of the recent manufacturing enterprises shows that successful global …
Using model checking to analyze the system behavior of the LHC production grid
Abstract DIRAC (Distributed Infrastructure with Remote Agent Control) is the grid solution
designed to support production activities as well as user data analysis for the Large Hadron …
designed to support production activities as well as user data analysis for the Large Hadron …
Interoperability of BOINC and EGEE
Today basically two types of grid systems are in use: service grids and desktop grids.
Service grids offer an infrastructure for grid users, thus require notable management to keep …
Service grids offer an infrastructure for grid users, thus require notable management to keep …
Towards next generations of software for distributed infrastructures: the European Middleware Initiative
C Aiftimiei, A Aimar, A Ceccanti… - 2012 IEEE 8th …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The last two decades have seen an exceptional increase of the available networking,
computing and storage resources. Scientific research communities have exploited these …
computing and storage resources. Scientific research communities have exploited these …
WNoDeS, a tool for integrated Grid and Cloud access and computing farm virtualization
D Salomoni, A Italiano, E Ronchieri - Journal of Physics …, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
INFN CNAF is the National Computing Center, located in Bologna, Italy, of the Italian
National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). INFN CNAF, also called the INFN Tier-1 …
National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN). INFN CNAF, also called the INFN Tier-1 …
Accessing opportunistic resources with Bosco
Bosco is a software project developed by the Open Science Grid to help scientists better
utilize their on-campus computing resources. Instead of submitting jobs through a dedicated …
utilize their on-campus computing resources. Instead of submitting jobs through a dedicated …
Boosting gLite with cloud augmented volunteer computing
The paper details the result of the EU FP7 EDGI project focusing on the cloud developments
and usability improvements. Volunteer desktop grids, like BOINC, are designed to handle …
and usability improvements. Volunteer desktop grids, like BOINC, are designed to handle …
Deadline-Constrained Big Data Workflow Scheduling and Execution in the Cloud
C Bai - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Workflow engine is the core module in a modern SWfMS, which compose workflow planners
and workflow executors. Workflow planners take a workflow specification under some …
and workflow executors. Workflow planners take a workflow specification under some …
Interoperating grid infrastructures with the GridWay metascheduler
This paper describes the GridWay metascheduler and exposes its latest and future
developments, mainly related to interoperability and interoperation. GridWay enables large …
developments, mainly related to interoperability and interoperation. GridWay enables large …
On the evaluation of gridification effort and runtime aspects of JGRIM applications
Nowadays, Grid Computing has been widely recognized as the next big thing in distributed
software development. Grid technologies allow developers to implement massively …
software development. Grid technologies allow developers to implement massively …