Predator-induced phenotypic plasticity in organisms with complex life histories
MF Benard - Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst., 2004 -
▪ Abstract Predator-induced phenotypic plasticity is widespread in nature and includes
variation in life history, morphology, and behavior. In organisms with complex life histories …
variation in life history, morphology, and behavior. In organisms with complex life histories …
Getting out alive: how predators affect the decision to metamorphose
RA Relyea - Oecologia, 2007 - Springer
Metamorphosis has intrigued biologists for a long time as an extreme form of complex life
cycles that are ubiquitous in animals. While investigated from a variety of perspectives, the …
cycles that are ubiquitous in animals. While investigated from a variety of perspectives, the …
[KNYGA][B] Community ecology
PJ Morin - 2009 -
Community ecology: the study of the patterns and processes involving two or more species-
has developed rapidly in the last two decades, driven by new and more sophisticated …
has developed rapidly in the last two decades, driven by new and more sophisticated …
A meta-analysis of competition in field experiments
A meta-analysis was conducted on field-competition experiments published in six journals
over a 10-yr period. We analyzed the effects of competition on the biomass of organisms …
over a 10-yr period. We analyzed the effects of competition on the biomass of organisms …
Principles for management of aquatic-breeding amphibians
RD Semlitsch - The journal of wildlife management, 2000 - JSTOR
Coordinated efforts by ecologists and natural resource managers are necessary to balance
the conservation of biological diversity with the potential for sustained economic …
the conservation of biological diversity with the potential for sustained economic …
The interaction between competition and predation: a meta-analysis of field experiments
J Gurevitch, JA Morrison… - The American …, 2000 -
Ecologists working with a range of organisms and environments have carried out
manipulative field experiments that enable us to ask questions about the interaction …
manipulative field experiments that enable us to ask questions about the interaction …
Experimental ecology of food webs: complex systems in temporary ponds
HM Wilbur - Ecology, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
A food web graphically represents the paths of nutrients and energy through the living
components of an ecosystem and the context in which individuals exploit their prey and …
components of an ecosystem and the context in which individuals exploit their prey and …
Regulation of structure in complex systems: experimental temporary pond communities
HM Wilbur - Ecology, 1987 - Wiley Online Library
Interactions among competition, predation, and disturbance in determining the abundances
of four species of anurans were studied in a factoral experiment using 36 replicated …
of four species of anurans were studied in a factoral experiment using 36 replicated …
Behavioral and life‐historical responses of larval American toads to an odonate predator
DK Skelly, EE Werner - Ecology, 1990 - Wiley Online Library
This study examines the responses of larval American toads (Bufo americanus) to the non—
lethal presence of an odonate predator (Anax junius). We performed a laboratory …
lethal presence of an odonate predator (Anax junius). We performed a laboratory …
Prey refuges affecting interactions between piscivorous perch and juvenile perch and roach
In size—structured populations, interactions are strongly dependent on size—specific
foraging and anti—predator capacities of the organism. Conflicting size—specific selection …
foraging and anti—predator capacities of the organism. Conflicting size—specific selection …