A review on micro machining of polymer composites
Polymer-based composites have shown remarkable mechanical, thermal and electrical
properties. As a result, these composites are broadly used in several industries like …
properties. As a result, these composites are broadly used in several industries like …
[HTML][HTML] Design and analysis of CFRP drilling by electrical discharge machining
The novelty of EDM machining as a drilling operation for composite materials means that
there is no consensus on the influence of the parameters that optimise the final quality. For …
there is no consensus on the influence of the parameters that optimise the final quality. For …
Using Harris Hawk algorithm for experimental study on the hole dilation mechanism during Micro-machining (μM) of Graphene nanoplatelets/Carbon fiber (GnP/C) …
This article highlights the hole generation mechanism in the Graphene
nanoplatelets/Carbon fiber (GnP/C) reinforced polymeric composite. The lower conductivity …
nanoplatelets/Carbon fiber (GnP/C) reinforced polymeric composite. The lower conductivity …
Micro electric discharge machining (μ-EDM) of polymer nanocomposites modified by graphene nanoplatelets/carbon using rotating electrode tool
R Vishwakarma, RK Verma - Journal of Micromechanics and …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
The micro-sized hole is highly required in biomedical, electronics, optical, aerospace
components that are not feasible by the traditional machining process. This study highlights …
components that are not feasible by the traditional machining process. This study highlights …
Experimental investigation of Parametric effects and Characterization of the machined surface in μED-milling of CFRP composite
Micro-electrical discharge milling (μED-milling) is a material removal process that can
fabricate intricate shaped three-dimensional features in electrically conductive materials …
fabricate intricate shaped three-dimensional features in electrically conductive materials …
Preliminary investigation of powder-mixed microelectrical discharge drilling of CFRP composite
This work investigates the fabrication of microholes in carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer
(CFRP) composite by powder-mixed microelectrical discharge drilling (PM μ EDD) method …
(CFRP) composite by powder-mixed microelectrical discharge drilling (PM μ EDD) method …
16 MicromachiningofPolymer
The revelation of carbon nanofiber, graphene, cellulose nanofiber, and other nanomaterials
has fueled the growth of the nanoscience field in recent decades. In polymer …
has fueled the growth of the nanoscience field in recent decades. In polymer …
Influence of Different Tool Materials on the Machining Performance in µED-Milling of CFRP Composites
This work investigates the micro-electrical-discharge-milling (µED-milling) of carbon fiber-
reinforced plastic (CFRP) using assisting-electrode and rotating tool. Micro-channels of a …
reinforced plastic (CFRP) using assisting-electrode and rotating tool. Micro-channels of a …
Micromachining of Polymer Composites and Nanocomposites
KS Somvanshi, S Tiwari, PC Gope - Polymer Nanocomposites - taylorfrancis.com
Contemporaneous state of advancement necessitates more avant-garde and engineered
solutions to expedite the regime and to overcome the obstacle of establishing interstellar …
solutions to expedite the regime and to overcome the obstacle of establishing interstellar …