Transparent electronics for wearable electronics application
Recent advancements in wearable electronics offer seamless integration with the human
body for extracting various biophysical and biochemical information for real-time health …
body for extracting various biophysical and biochemical information for real-time health …
Role of nano-sized materials as lubricant additives in friction and wear reduction: A review
Nanoparticles acting as additives to improve the tribological performance of base fluids have
attracted much attention in the last several decades to lower wear loss, reduce the frictional …
attracted much attention in the last several decades to lower wear loss, reduce the frictional …
Conductive nanomaterials for 2D and 3D printed flexible electronics
A Kamyshny, S Magdassi - Chemical Society Reviews, 2019 -
This review describes recent developments in the field of conductive nanomaterials and
their application in 2D and 3D printed flexible electronics, with particular emphasis on inks …
their application in 2D and 3D printed flexible electronics, with particular emphasis on inks …
The potential exposure and hazards of copper nanoparticles: A review
T Ameh, CM Sayes - Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2019 - Elsevier
Copper is an essential element for metabolism in plants and animals. In its nanoform,
copper has found various applications, thus increasing potential environmental exposure …
copper has found various applications, thus increasing potential environmental exposure …
The polyol process: a unique method for easy access to metal nanoparticles with tailored sizes, shapes and compositions
F Fiévet, S Ammar-Merah, R Brayner, F Chau… - Chemical Society …, 2018 -
After about three decades of development, the polyol process is now widely recognized and
practised as a unique soft chemical method for the preparation of a large variety of …
practised as a unique soft chemical method for the preparation of a large variety of …
Methods and strategies for the synthesis of diverse nanoparticles and their applications: a comprehensive overview
Ongoing advances in nanotechnology research have established a variety of methods to
synthesize nanoparticles (NPs) from a diverse range of materials, including metals …
synthesize nanoparticles (NPs) from a diverse range of materials, including metals …
Conductive nanomaterials for printed electronics
A Kamyshny, S Magdassi - Small, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This is a review on recent developments in the field of conductive nanomaterials and their
application in printed electronics, with particular emphasis on inkjet printing of ink …
application in printed electronics, with particular emphasis on inkjet printing of ink …
Solution-processed transparent electrodes for emerging thin-film solar cells
Solution-processed solar cells are appealing because of the low manufacturing cost, the
good compatibility with flexible substrates, and the ease of large-scale fabrication. Whereas …
good compatibility with flexible substrates, and the ease of large-scale fabrication. Whereas …
Polyol synthesis of nanoparticles: status and options regarding metals, oxides, chalcogenides, and non-metal elements
H Dong, YC Chen, C Feldmann - Green chemistry, 2015 -
Since the first description by Fievet, Lagier and Figlarz in 1989, the synthesis of
nanoparticles in high-boiling, multivalent alcohols–so-called polyols–has been developed …
nanoparticles in high-boiling, multivalent alcohols–so-called polyols–has been developed …
Fabrication of screen-printed electrodes: opportunities and challenges
In recent times, wearable electronics, real-time sensing devices and point-of-care device
applications have seen a surge in demand. This demand inherently calls for a more …
applications have seen a surge in demand. This demand inherently calls for a more …