Credibility and expectation gap in reporting on uncertainties

JM Shaikh, M Talha - Managerial auditing journal, 2003 -
This paper analyzes and reports on studies that examine the extent to which international
auditing boards have accomplished the goal of reducing the expectation gap in reporting on …

Metode riset akuntansi

I Supriadi - 2020 -
Metode riset akuntansi ilmiah merupakan sarana untuk memahami suatu fenomena yang
berhubungan dengan akuntansi atau masalah dengan menggunakan data (sampel atau …

The changing time-series properties of earnings, cash flows and accruals: Has financial reporting become more conservative?

D Givoly, C Hayn - Journal of accounting and economics, 2000 - Elsevier
This paper documents changes in the patterns of earnings, cash flows and accruals over the
last four decades. In the absence of a generally accepted definition of conservatism, a …

The impact of size, stock market listing and industry type on disclosure in the annual reports of Japanese listed corporations

TE Cooke - Accounting and business research, 1992 - Taylor & Francis
This paper represents a contribution to rigorous testing of Japanese financial reporting and
specifically reports on the impact of size, stock market listing and industry type on disclosure …

Political aspects of financial accounting standard setting in the USA

TJ Fogarty, MEA Hussein, JE Ketz - Accounting, Auditing & …, 1994 -
Discussion about the actual nature of political action is unusual in theliterature about the
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Examines the treatment of politics in the US …

Pengaruh struktur kepemilikan saham, struktur modal dan profitabilitas pada nilai perusahaan

MS Suardikha, K Apriada - E-Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas …, 2016 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kepemilikan institusional, kepemilikan
managerial, struktur modal, dan profitabilitas pada nilai perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini …

Analisis pengaruh penerapan good corporate governance terhadap kinerja keuangan

A Suryanto, R Refianto - Jurnal Bina Manajemen, 2019 -
This research examines empirically the effect of implementation good corporate governance
on firm's financial performance of manufacturing companies. There are several aspects and …

An analysis of the factors affecting the adoption of international accounting standards by develo** countries

D Zeghal, K Mhedhbi - The international journal of accounting, 2006 - Elsevier
The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that could explain the adoption of
international accounting standards by develo** countries. The following factors have been …

Konservatisme Akuntansi

E Savitri - 2016 -
Laporan keuangan merupakan suatu susunan daftar atau ringkasan sebagai
pertanggungjawaban manajemen perusahaan kepada pihak penilai yang dalam hal ini …

Manajemen laba

L Setiawati, A Na'im - … of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB …, 2000 -
This paper is intended to explain manager responsibility in managing opportunities to
choose accounting methods for external reporting, so that the reported earnings information …