Macroeconomic analysis without the rational expectations hypothesis

M Woodford - Annu. Rev. Econ., 2013 -
The article presents a temporary equilibrium framework for macroeconomic analysis that
allows for a wide range of possible specifications of expectations but reduces to a standard …

Optimal monetary stabilization policy

M Woodford - Handbook of monetary economics, 2010 - Elsevier
This chapter reviews the theory of optimal monetary stabilization policy in New Keynesian
models, with particular emphasis on developments since the treatment of this topic in …

Credit frictions and optimal monetary policy

V Cúrdia, M Woodford - Journal of Monetary Economics, 2016 - Elsevier
The basic (representative-household) New Keynesian model of the monetary transmission
mechanism is extended to allow for a spread between the interest rate available to savers …

Expectations, learning and macroeconomic persistence

F Milani - Journal of monetary Economics, 2007 - Elsevier
Monetary DGSE models under rational expectations typically require large degrees of
features as habit formation in consumption and inflation indexation to match the inertia of …

Learning about monetary policy rules when long-horizon expectations matter

BJ Preston - 2003 -
This paper considers the implications of an important source of model misspecification for
the design of monetary policy rules: the assumed manner of expectations formation …

[КНИГА][B] Central bank policy: Theory and practice

P Warjiyo, SM Juhro - 2019 -
Bibliography | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open
Access Publish with us Advanced search Bibliography Perry Warjiyo Solikin M. Juhro …

Heterogeneous expectations in monetary DSGE models

D Massaro - Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper derives a general New Keynesian framework with heterogeneous expectations
by explicitly solving the micro-foundations underpinning the model. The resulting reduced …

The science of monetary policy: An imperfect knowledge perspective

S Eusepi, B Preston - Journal of Economic Literature, 2018 -
This paper reevaluates the basic prescriptions of monetary policy design in the new
Keynesian paradigm through the lens of imperfect knowledge. We show that while the basic …

Adaptive learning and monetary policy design

GW Evans, S Honkapohja - Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2003 - JSTOR
We review the recent work on interest rate setting, which emphasizes the desirability of
designing policy to ensure stability under learning. Appropriately designed expectations …

Timeless perspectives vs. discretionary monetary policy in forward-looking models

BT McCallum, E Nelson - 2000 -
This paper reviews the distinction between the timeless perspective and discretionary
modes of monetary policymaking, the former representing rule-based policy as recently …