[PDF][PDF] Effectiveness of blended learning in the new normal era

S Sukirman, Y Masduki, S Suyono… - Int J Eval & Res …, 2022‏ - researchgate.net
The effects of the pandemic in the world of education have as many influences as the
adjustment of learning models. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of blended …

The role of educational technologists in building the skills of early childhood teachers with TRINGO Ki Hadjar Dewantara approach

D Kuswandi, ZZA Thaariq, LR Ramadhani… - 2nd Early Childhood …, 2020‏ - atlantis-press.com
The purpose of this study is to examine and describe the efforts to build the skills of Early
Childhood Education (PAUD) teachers through training in the use of technology in PAUD …

Pengembangan bahan ajar matematika untuk siswa kelas v sekolah dasar

D Nindiawati, M Subandowo, RD Rusmawati - Edcomtech, 2021‏ - neliti.com
Penelifian pengembangan bahan ajar Matemafika bangun ruang dan pengolahan data
dirancang lebih prakfis, efekfif, dan mudah dipahami bagi siswa Kelas V SD dengan metode …

Web 2.0 Technologies in Times of Pandemic COVID-19: Pedagogical Experience

Y Gavronskaya, D Gura, A Minakhmetova… - International Journal of …, 2024‏ - igi-global.com
This study substantiates the feasibility of implementing Web 2.0 services in practical
educational activities and classifies the main types of Web 2.0 services adaptive to …

E-Learning for Sport Science Education: Importance and Map** Analysis through a Big-Scale Survey

B Indrayana, S Sukendro, A Widowati… - Utamax: Journal of …, 2024‏ - journal.unilak.ac.id
In the evolving landscape of sports science education, the integration of e-learning has
become a pivotal element for enhancing the educational experience. This study aims to …

The Use of Social Media as An English Learning Resource for The Students of Islamic University of Kadiri Kediri

AN Fajriah - 2024‏ - repo.uniska-kediri.ac.id
The purpose of this research was to describe the kinds of social media that are mostly used
and how students use social media as English learning resources. This research was …

The Role of Social Media in Enhancing Social Awareness and Community Participation in Education

S Rijal, AMA Ausat - Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals …, 2024‏ - ejournal.indo-intellectual.id
Education is recognized as one of the fundamental pillars in societal development. The
advancement of information technology, particularly social media, has transformed the …

Sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin COVID-19 döneminde gerçekleştirilen acil uzaktan eğitim sürecine ilişkin deneyimleri ve yeni normale dair öngörüleri

İ Elçi, V Tünkler - Yaşadıkça Eğitim, 2022‏ - journals.iku.edu.tr
Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı, sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerinin COVID-19 döneminde
gerçekleştirdikleri acil uzaktan eğitime ilişkin deneyimlerini ve yeni normale dair …

Using social media for teaching English during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons from Indonesia

H Salim, A Daud, M Hanif - South African Journal of Education, 2024‏ - ajol.info
The COVID-19 outbreak has changed pedagogical choices in the teaching of English.
Social media has become one of the alternatives in mediating and assisting virtual teaching …


EMM Lasut, ML Kumois - Jurnal As-Salam, 2023‏ - jurnal-assalam.org
Social media plays an increasingly important role in today's society, serving a variety of
functions, including education. Its widespread use by students raises questions about its …