Dispute Resolution in Islamic Economic Transactions: The Role and Function of Sharia Arbitration

G Widjaja - Journal of Islamic Economic Laws, 2025 - journals2.ums.ac.id
Dispute resolution in Sharia economic transactions is essential to align settlement
processes with Islamic legal principles. This study examines the function and role of Sharia …

Pandangan Bisnis Syariah Terhadap Perkembangan Financial Technology (Study Kasus Fitur Serbu Seru dalam Aplikasi Bukalapak)

ASR Fahmi, DFA Sup… - Proceedings …, 2022 - conferenceproceedings.ump.ac.id
The phenomenon of buying and selling online through various features that place lower
prices attracts buyers. The low price outside the normal price makes the people who see it …


H Herlina, H Hidayani - Jurnal Daya Saing, 2024 - ejournal.kompetif.com
Bisnis kost identik dengan jenis usaha yang beresiko karena berkaitan dengan interaksi
sehari-hari dengan orang-orang dari berbagai kebiasaan dan tujuan penelitian ini adalah …

The Overview of Sharia Principles on BSI Mobile Banking

M Abdul Aziz - Al-Iktisab, 2022 - repo.unida.gontor.ac.id
Information technology that has developed so rapidly in recent years has directed the focus
of large banks to digital services, including mobile banking. The internet's rapid growth is …