Landlords with no lands: a systematic literature review on hybrid multi-sided platforms and platform thinking
Purpose This article is based on a systematic and comprehensive review of the literature on
two-sided platforms, the business structure based on the concept of matchmaking groups of …
two-sided platforms, the business structure based on the concept of matchmaking groups of …
[HTML][HTML] Unraveling platform strategies: A review from an organizational ambidexterity perspective
Platform strategies, which highlight the interdependence in and evolution of business
ecosystems, are increasingly relevant for sustainable business models in the digital era. So …
ecosystems, are increasingly relevant for sustainable business models in the digital era. So …
When does corporate social irresponsibility become news? Evidence from more than 1,000 brand transgressions across five countries
Companies are increasingly held accountable for their corporate social irresponsibility (CSI).
However, the extent to which a CSI event damages the firm largely depends on the …
However, the extent to which a CSI event damages the firm largely depends on the …
The role of user privacy concerns in sha** competition among platforms
We study the effect of user privacy concerns on competition between online advertising
platforms. Online platforms attract advertisers by offering capabilities to reach audiences …
platforms. Online platforms attract advertisers by offering capabilities to reach audiences …
Ad revenue and content commercialization: Evidence from blogs
Many scholars argue that when incentivized by ad revenue, content providers are more
likely to tailor their content to attract “eyeballs,” and as a result, popular content may be …
likely to tailor their content to attract “eyeballs,” and as a result, popular content may be …
Strategic manipulation of university rankings, the prestige effect, and student university choice
A multiperiod, theoretical model characterizes the relationship between a publication that
ranks universities and prospective students who might use this ranking to decide which …
ranks universities and prospective students who might use this ranking to decide which …
Contextual advertising
Contextual advertising entails the display of relevant ads based on the content that
consumers view, exploiting the potential that consumers' content preferences are indicative …
consumers view, exploiting the potential that consumers' content preferences are indicative …
Social media and political contributions: The impact of new technology on political competition
Political campaigns are among the most sophisticated marketing exercises in the United
States. As part of their marketing communication strategy, an increasing number of …
States. As part of their marketing communication strategy, an increasing number of …
Platform competition for advertisers and users in media markets
M Reisinger - International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper analyzes a two-sided market model in which platforms compete for advertisers
and users. Platforms are differentiated from the users' perspective but are homogenous for …
and users. Platforms are differentiated from the users' perspective but are homogenous for …
The balanced US press
We measure the relative ideological positions of newspapers, voters, interest groups, and
political parties, using data on ballot propositions. We exploit the fact that newspapers …
political parties, using data on ballot propositions. We exploit the fact that newspapers …