[HTML][HTML] Bifunctional ligands in uranyl chemistry: metalloligands and zwitterions
P Thuéry, J Harrowfield - Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2024 - Elsevier
Structural studies of uranyl ion complexes of metalloligands and zwitterions, ligand classes
with some degree of overlap, constitute a major contribution to more recent developments in …
with some degree of overlap, constitute a major contribution to more recent developments in …
Detection and identification of solids, surfaces, and solutions of uranium using vibrational spectroscopy
The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of uranium speciation using vibrational
spectroscopy methods including Raman and IR. Uranium is a naturally occurring …
spectroscopy methods including Raman and IR. Uranium is a naturally occurring …
Highly-efficient uranium reduction, organic oxidation and electricity generation via a solar-driven wastewater resourceization system with a PANI/CF cathode
Co-existed organics bring great challenges for uranium recycling from water because of the
formation of obstinate complexes with uranyl ions (UO 2 2+), predominated species of …
formation of obstinate complexes with uranyl ions (UO 2 2+), predominated species of …
Evaluating best practices in raman spectral analysis for uranium speciation and relative abundance in aqueous solutions
Raman spectroscopy is emerging as a powerful tool for identifying hexavalent uranium
speciation in situ; however, there is no straightforward protocol for identifying uranyl species …
speciation in situ; however, there is no straightforward protocol for identifying uranyl species …
Cation templating and electronic structure effects in uranyl cage clusters probed by the isolation of peroxide-bridged uranyl dimers
The self-assembly of uranyl peroxide polyhedra into a rich family of nanoscale cage clusters
is thought to be favored by cation templating effects and the pliability of the intrinsically bent …
is thought to be favored by cation templating effects and the pliability of the intrinsically bent …
Self‐Assembly of Uranyl–Peroxide Nanocapsules in Basic Peroxidic Environments
A wide range of uranyl–peroxide nanocapsules have been synthesized using very simple
reactants in basic media; however, little is known about the process to form these species …
reactants in basic media; however, little is known about the process to form these species …
Synthesis, structure, luminescence and photocatalytic properties of an uranyl-2, 5-pyridinedicarboxylate coordination polymer
ZX Si, W Xu, YQ Zheng - Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016 - Elsevier
An uranium coordination polymer, namely [(UO 2 (pydc)(H 2 O)]· H 2 O (1)(H 2 pydc= 2, 5-
pyridinedicarboxylic acid), has been obtained by hydrothermal method and characterized by …
pyridinedicarboxylic acid), has been obtained by hydrothermal method and characterized by …
Synthesis, structural analysis, and supramolecular assembly of a series of in situ generated uranyl–peroxide complexes with functionalized 2, 2′-bipyridine and …
The crystal structures of eight new binuclear peroxo-bridged uranyl (UO22+) complexes
containing chelating N-donating ligands (2, 2′-bipyridine [BPY] and 4, 4′-dibromo-2, 2 …
containing chelating N-donating ligands (2, 2′-bipyridine [BPY] and 4, 4′-dibromo-2, 2 …
Time-resolved X-ray scattering and Raman spectroscopic studies of formation of a uranium-vanadium-phosphorus-peroxide cage cluster
Combining reactants in water under ambient conditions results in the assembly and
crystallization of 2.6 nm diameter cage clusters designated U48V6P48 within 3 weeks …
crystallization of 2.6 nm diameter cage clusters designated U48V6P48 within 3 weeks …
Occurrence of polyoxouranium motifs in uranyl organic networks constructed by using silicon-centered carboxylate linkers: structures, spectroscopy and computation
C Liu, XX Yang, S Niu, XY Yi, QJ Pan - Dalton Transactions, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
Four novel polyoxouranium-based uranyl carboxylates have been constructed by using a
combination of three silicon-centered carboxylate ligands and polyoxouranium building …
combination of three silicon-centered carboxylate ligands and polyoxouranium building …