Review of task allocation for human-robot collaboration in assembly
Due to the high cost pressure and the increasing variant diversity, the cooperation of
humans and robots represents a promising technological solution to achieve higher …
humans and robots represents a promising technological solution to achieve higher …
Emotional intelligence for the decision-making process of trajectories in collaborative robotics
In collaborative robotics, to improve human–robot interaction (HRI), it is necessary to avoid
accidental impacts. In this direction, several works reported how to modify the trajectories of …
accidental impacts. In this direction, several works reported how to modify the trajectories of …
Task-constrained motion planning considering uncertainty-informed human motion prediction for human–robot collaborative disassembly
While the disassembly of high-precision electronic devices is a predominantly labor-
intensive process, collaborative robots provide a promising solution through human–robot …
intensive process, collaborative robots provide a promising solution through human–robot …
Dynamic model informed human motion prediction based on unscented kalman filter
Human motion prediction is the foundation stone of human–robot collaboration in intelligent
manufacturing. The nonlinear and stochastic nature of human motion has made it …
manufacturing. The nonlinear and stochastic nature of human motion has made it …
Transfusion: A practical and effective transformer-based diffusion model for 3d human motion prediction
Predicting human motion plays a crucial role in ensuring a safe and effective human-robot
close collaboration in intelligent remanufacturing systems of the future. Existing works can …
close collaboration in intelligent remanufacturing systems of the future. Existing works can …
Human activity recognition in an end-of-life consumer electronics disassembly task
The production of electronic waste, also known as e-waste, has risen with the growing
reliance on electronic products. To reduce negative environmental impact and achieve …
reliance on electronic products. To reduce negative environmental impact and achieve …
A learning based hierarchical control framework for human–robot collaboration
In this paper, using the ball and beam system as an illustration, a control scheme is
developed on human-robot collaboration, ie, a two-level hierarchical framework is proposed …
developed on human-robot collaboration, ie, a two-level hierarchical framework is proposed …
An optimization-based human behavior modeling and prediction for human-robot collaborative disassembly
To achieve a safe and seamless human-robot collaboration in intelligent remanufacturing,
robot agents should be able to understand human behaviors, predict human future motion …
robot agents should be able to understand human behaviors, predict human future motion …
Uncertainty‐aware structural damage warning system using deep variational composite neural networks
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is, without a doubt, one of the most important assets for
building resilient communities. The vast and rapidly advancing research in data science and …
building resilient communities. The vast and rapidly advancing research in data science and …
De-tgn: Uncertainty-aware human motion forecasting using deep ensembles
Ensuring the safety of human workers in a collaborative environment with robots is of utmost
importance. Although accurate pose prediction models can help prevent collisions between …
importance. Although accurate pose prediction models can help prevent collisions between …