Board committees in corporate governance: A cross‐disciplinary review and agenda for the future
The importance of board committees–specialized subgroups that exist to perform many of
the board's most critical functions, such as setting executive compensation, identifying …
the board's most critical functions, such as setting executive compensation, identifying …
Connecting the right knots: The impact of board committee interlocks on the performance of Indian firms
Abstract Research Question/Issue Information processing, agency, and resource
dependence perspectives provide diverging predictions regarding the relationship between …
dependence perspectives provide diverging predictions regarding the relationship between …
[KNIHA][B] The structure of board committees
KD Chen, A Wu - 2016 - researchgate.net
We document and analyze board committee structures utilizing a novel dataset containing
full board committee membership for over 6,000 firms. Board committees provide benefits …
full board committee membership for over 6,000 firms. Board committees provide benefits …
Board executive committees, board decisions, and firm value
N Vafeas, A Vlittis - Journal of Corporate Finance, 2019 - Elsevier
We study board executive committees for which, despite their broad powers, there exists
limited empirical evidence. We find empirically robust evidence that firms with executive …
limited empirical evidence. We find empirically robust evidence that firms with executive …
The role of rookie female directors in a post‐quota period: Gender inequalities within French boards
The board‐level gender quota enacted in France has induced the massive arrival in
corporate boards of a new population—namely, women with no prior board experience. We …
corporate boards of a new population—namely, women with no prior board experience. We …
Mandatory gender quotas: the impact on board and committee meetings
Purpose This study aims to test whether the introduction of a gender quota impacts
functioning of boards of directors and internal committees thanks to female capacity in effort …
functioning of boards of directors and internal committees thanks to female capacity in effort …
The powers that be: Concentration of authority within the board of directors and variability in firm performance☆
In this study, we examine how the concentration of authority within the board of directors
affects the variability of firm performance. Using directors' committee assignments as a proxy …
affects the variability of firm performance. Using directors' committee assignments as a proxy …
Le conseil d'administration: enjeux de gouvernance et de responsabilité
En France, le rôle du conseil d'administration dans les sociétés anonymes est ainsi défini
par le Code du commerce (article L. 225.35):«Le Conseil d'administration détermine les …
par le Code du commerce (article L. 225.35):«Le Conseil d'administration détermine les …
Investigating the extent and impact of director overboardedness using a comprehensive measure
Purpose Directors can become overextended when they serve on multiple boards
simultaneously. Previous scholars mostly considered directorships held at listed companies …
simultaneously. Previous scholars mostly considered directorships held at listed companies …
Community social capital and board advising: evidence from the structure of board committees
We investigate how community social capital, captured by the strength of cooperative norms
and social networks within a geographical community, affects the internal structure of …
and social networks within a geographical community, affects the internal structure of …