[HTML][HTML] A review on energy hubs: Models, methods, classification, applications, and future trends
Increasing environmental concerns, scarcity of fossil fuel resources, and uncontrolled
demand growth have led to upgrading and restructuring existing energy systems …
demand growth have led to upgrading and restructuring existing energy systems …
Review of optimization methods for energy hub planning, operation, trading, and control
The increasing concerns with adverse environmental issues have led to the proliferation of
renewable energy resources (RESs), which have been expanded more recently to multi …
renewable energy resources (RESs), which have been expanded more recently to multi …
Evolution of smart grids towards the Internet of energy: Concept and essential components for deep decarbonisation
To achieve low‐carbon sustainable energy development, new technologies such as Internet
of Energy (IoE), intelligent systems and Internet of Things (IoT) as well as distributed energy …
of Energy (IoE), intelligent systems and Internet of Things (IoT) as well as distributed energy …
Optimal planning for electricity-hydrogen integrated energy system considering power to hydrogen and heat and seasonal storage
For the future development of an integrated energy system (IES) with ultra-high penetration
of renewable energy, a planning model for an electricity-hydrogen integrated energy system …
of renewable energy, a planning model for an electricity-hydrogen integrated energy system …
A Multi-objective dynamic framework for design of energy hub by considering energy storage system, power-to-gas technology and integrated demand response …
Since energy hubs meet the needs of customers for different energies, their construction rate
has increased in recent years. The annual growth of load demand on the one hand and the …
has increased in recent years. The annual growth of load demand on the one hand and the …
Sustainable siting and design optimization of hybrid renewable energy system: A geospatial multi-criteria analysis
The use of hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) holds great promise for sustainable
electrification and support countries reaching their energy access goals. The site selection …
electrification and support countries reaching their energy access goals. The site selection …
Low-carbon operation of multiple energy systems based on energy-carbon integrated prices
The interdependence of different energy forms in multiple energy systems (MESs) could
leverage their synergies to reduce carbon emissions. However, such synergies cannot be …
leverage their synergies to reduce carbon emissions. However, such synergies cannot be …
[PDF][PDF] 双碳目标下低碳综合能源系统规划关键技术及挑战
张沈**, 王丹阳, 程浩忠, 宋毅, 原凯, 杜炜 - 电力系统自动化, 2022 - epjournal.csee.org.cn
双碳目标下, 能源系统深度脱碳势在必行. 低碳综合能源系统是通过集成碳捕集技术,
提高非碳能源比例, 充分调动源-网-荷-储各能源环节灵活性资源等方法, 主动或被动降低碳排放 …
提高非碳能源比例, 充分调动源-网-荷-储各能源环节灵活性资源等方法, 主动或被动降低碳排放 …
Daily electric vehicle charging load profiles considering demographics of vehicle users
Travel pattern of an electric vehicle (EV) user and the accuracy of their probability
distribution models are the key factors affecting the simulation and prediction of EV charging …
distribution models are the key factors affecting the simulation and prediction of EV charging …
[HTML][HTML] A review on multi energy systems modelling and optimization
G Mancò, U Tesio, E Guelpa, V Verda - Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
Over the past decade, energy systems for the combined management of power vectors have
been attracted the attention of the scientific community. Most of the published works aim at …
been attracted the attention of the scientific community. Most of the published works aim at …