[HTML][HTML] Science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems
We present the science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional
crystals, and hybrid systems, targeting an evolution in technology, that might lead to impacts …
crystals, and hybrid systems, targeting an evolution in technology, that might lead to impacts …
High frequency electric field induced nonlinear effects in graphene
The nonlinear optical and optoelectronic properties of graphene with the emphasis on the
processes of harmonic generation, frequency mixing, photon drag and photogalvanic effects …
processes of harmonic generation, frequency mixing, photon drag and photogalvanic effects …
Standardization of surface potential measurements of graphene domains
We compare the three most commonly used scanning probe techniques to obtain a reliable
value of the work function in graphene domains of different thickness. The surface potential …
value of the work function in graphene domains of different thickness. The surface potential …
Comeback of epitaxial graphene for electronics: large-area growth of bilayer-free graphene on SiC
We present a new fabrication method for epitaxial graphene on SiC which enables the
growth of ultra-smooth defect-and bilayer-free graphene sheets with an unprecedented …
growth of ultra-smooth defect-and bilayer-free graphene sheets with an unprecedented …
Quantum Hall resistance standard in graphene devices under relaxed experimental conditions
The quantum Hall effect provides a universal standard for electrical resistance that is
theoretically based on only the Planck constant h and the electron charge e. Currently, this …
theoretically based on only the Planck constant h and the electron charge e. Currently, this …
Single-particle tunneling in doped graphene-insulator-graphene junctions
The characteristics of tunnel junctions formed between n-and p-doped graphene are
investigated theoretically. The single-particle tunnel current that flows between the two …
investigated theoretically. The single-particle tunnel current that flows between the two …
Quantum Hall phase in graphene engineered by interfacial charge coupling
The quantum Hall effect can be substantially affected by interfacial coupling between the
host two-dimensional electron gases and the substrate, and has been predicted to give rise …
host two-dimensional electron gases and the substrate, and has been predicted to give rise …
Anomalously strong pinning of the filling factor in epitaxial graphene
We explore the robust quantization of the Hall resistance in epitaxial graphene grown on Si-
terminated SiC. Uniquely to this system, the dominance of quantum over classical …
terminated SiC. Uniquely to this system, the dominance of quantum over classical …
Quantum Hall resistance standards from graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition on silicon carbide
Replacing GaAs by graphene to realize more practical quantum Hall resistance standards
(QHRS), accurate to within 10− 9 in relative value, but operating at lower magnetic fields …
(QHRS), accurate to within 10− 9 in relative value, but operating at lower magnetic fields …
Carrier transport mechanism in graphene on SiC (0001)
S Tanabe, Y Sekine, H Kageshima, M Nagase… - Physical Review B …, 2011 - APS
Carrier density and temperature-dependent transport properties of monolayer graphene
grown on SiC (0001) were systematically studied. With increasing temperature, resistivity at …
grown on SiC (0001) were systematically studied. With increasing temperature, resistivity at …