Dynamic pricing and learning: historical origins, current research, and new directions
AV Den Boer - Surveys in operations research and management …, 2015 - Elsevier
The topic of dynamic pricing and learning has received a considerable amount of attention
in recent years, from different scientific communities. We survey these literature streams: we …
in recent years, from different scientific communities. We survey these literature streams: we …
A review of choice-based revenue management: Theory and methods
Over the last fifteen years, the theory and practice of revenue management has experienced
significant developments due to the need to incorporate customer choice behavior. In this …
significant developments due to the need to incorporate customer choice behavior. In this …
Intertemporal pricing with strategic customer behavior
X Su - Management Science, 2007 - pubsonline.informs.org
This paper develops a model of dynamic pricing with endogenous intertemporal demand. In
the model, there is a monopolist who sells a finite inventory over a finite time horizon. The …
the model, there is a monopolist who sells a finite inventory over a finite time horizon. The …
[КНИГА][B] Straight and level: Practical airline economics
S Holloway - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
This third edition of Straight and Level thoroughly updates the previous edition with
extensive comments on recent industry developments and emerging business models. The …
extensive comments on recent industry developments and emerging business models. The …
Deep inventory management
This work provides a Deep Reinforcement Learning approach to solving a periodic review
inventory control system with stochastic vendor lead times, lost sales, correlated demand …
inventory control system with stochastic vendor lead times, lost sales, correlated demand …
A nonparametric approach to modeling choice with limited data
Choice models today are ubiquitous across a range of applications in operations and
marketing. Real-world implementations of many of these models face the formidable …
marketing. Real-world implementations of many of these models face the formidable …
A column generation algorithm for choice-based network revenue management
During the past few years, there has been a trend to enrich traditional revenue management
models built upon the independent demand paradigm by accounting for customer choice …
models built upon the independent demand paradigm by accounting for customer choice …
Customer behavior modeling in revenue management and auctions: A review and new research opportunities
Customer behavior modeling has been gaining increasing attention in the operations
management community. In this paper we review current models of customer behavior in the …
management community. In this paper we review current models of customer behavior in the …
On the (surprising) sufficiency of linear models for dynamic pricing with demand learning
We consider a multiperiod single product pricing problem with an unknown demand curve.
The seller's objective is to adjust prices in each period so as to maximize cumulative …
The seller's objective is to adjust prices in each period so as to maximize cumulative …
A general attraction model and sales-based linear program for network revenue management under customer choice
G Gallego, R Ratliff, S Shebalov - Operations Research, 2015 - pubsonline.informs.org
This paper addresses two concerns with the state of the art in network revenue management
with dependent demands. The first concern is that the basic attraction model (BAM), of which …
with dependent demands. The first concern is that the basic attraction model (BAM), of which …