Déjà Q: encore! Un petit IBE

H Wee - Theory of Cryptography Conference, 2015 - Springer
We present an identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme in composite-order bilinear groups
with essentially optimal parameters: the ciphertext overhead and the secret key are one …

Making Any Attribute-Based Encryption Accountable, Efficiently

J Lai, Q Tang - Computer Security: 23rd European Symposium on …, 2018 - Springer
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) as one of the most interesting multi-recipient public
encryption systems, naturally requires some “tracing mechanisms” to identify misbehaving …

Practical" signatures with efficient protocols" from simple assumptions

B Libert, F Mouhartem, T Peters, M Yung - … of the 11th ACM on Asia …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Digital signatures are perhaps the most important base for authentication and trust
relationships in large scale systems. More specifically, various applications of signatures …

Making Any Identity-Based Encryption Accountable, Efficiently

A Kiayias, Q Tang - Computer Security--ESORICS 2015: 20th European …, 2015 - Springer
Abstract Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) provides a compelling solution to the PKI
management problem, however it comes with the serious privacy consideration that a …

Exponent-Inversion P-Signatures and Accountable Identity-Based Encryption from SXDH

TH Yuen, SSM Chow, H Wu… - IACR Communications …, 2024 - research.monash.edu
Salient in many cryptosystems, the exponent-inversion technique beganwithout
randomization in the random oracle model (SCIS'03, PKC'04), evolvedinto the Boneh-Boyen …

Real hidden identity-based signatures

SSM Chow, H Zhang, T Zhang - … Conference, FC 2017, Sliema, Malta, April …, 2017 - Springer
Group signature allows members to issue signatures on behalf of the group anonymously in
normal circumstances. When the need arises, an opening authority (OA) can open a …

Towards static assumption based cryptosystem in pairing setting: Further applications of DéjàQ and dual-form signature

S Chatterjee, R Kabaleeshwaran - … 2018, Jeju, South Korea, October 25 …, 2018 - Springer
A large number of parameterized complexity assumptions have been introduced in the
bilinear pairing setting to design novel cryptosystems and an important question is whether …

Rerandomizable signatures under standard assumption

S Chatterjee, R Kabaleeshwaran - Progress in Cryptology–INDOCRYPT …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract The Camenisch-Lysyanskaya rerandomizable signature (CL-RRS) scheme is an
important tool in the construction of privacy preserving protocols. One of the limitations of CL …

Leakage-resilient dual-form signatures

J Huang, Q Huang, W Susilo - The Computer Journal, 2018 - academic.oup.com
In practice, adversaries may be able to acquire a part of private state of cryptographic system
via side-channel attacks, on account of unexpected physical defects of cryptosystem, which …

Deja Q Encore RIBE: Anonymous Revocable Identity-Based Encryption with Short Parameters

Q **ng, B Wang, X Wang, Y Tang… - GLOBECOM 2017-2017 …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Revocable Identity-Based Encryption (RIBE) allows feasible key revoke to enable dynamic
user management in certificateless system. The existing RIBE schemes fail to keep receivers …