Optical coherence tomography for ultrahigh resolution in vivo imaging

JG Fujimoto - Nature biotechnology, 2003‏ - nature.com
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an emerging biomedical optical imaging technique
that performs high-resolution, cross-sectional tomographic imaging of microstructure in …

Review of intraoperative optical coherence tomography: technology and applications

OM Carrasco-Zevallos, C Viehland, B Keller… - Biomedical optics …, 2017‏ - opg.optica.org
During microsurgery, en face imaging of the surgical field through the operating microscope
limits the surgeon's depth perception and visualization of instruments and sub-surface …

Endoscopic optical coherence tomography: technologies and clinical applications

MJ Gora, MJ Suter, GJ Tearney, X Li - Biomedical optics express, 2017‏ - opg.optica.org
In this paper, we review the current state of technology development and clinical
applications of endoscopic optical coherence tomography (OCT). Key design and …

Scanner-free and wide-field endoscopic imaging by using a single multimode optical fiber

Y Choi, C Yoon, M Kim, TD Yang, C Fang-Yen… - Physical review …, 2012‏ - APS
A single multimode fiber is considered an ideal optical element for endoscopic imaging due
to the possibility of direct image transmission via multiple spatial modes. However, the wave …

A new method using Raman spectroscopy for in vivo targeted brain cancer tissue biopsy

J Desroches, M Jermyn, M Pinto, F Picot… - Scientific reports, 2018‏ - nature.com
Modern cancer diagnosis requires histological, molecular, and genomic tumor analyses.
Tumor sampling is often achieved using a targeted needle biopsy approach. Targeting …

Review of tissue simulating phantoms with controllable optical, mechanical and structural properties for use in optical coherence tomography

G Lamouche, BF Kennedy, KM Kennedy… - Biomedical optics …, 2012‏ - opg.optica.org
We review the development of phantoms for optical coherence tomography (OCT) designed
to replicate the optical, mechanical and structural properties of a range of tissues. Such …

Method and apparatus for performing optical imaging using frequency-domain interferometry

SH Yun, BE Bouma, GJ Tearney, JF De Boer - US Patent 7,733,497, 2010‏ - Google Patents
3,090,753 3,601.480 3,856,000 3,872.407 3,941,121 3,973,219 3,983,507 4,030,827
4,140,364 4,141,362 4,224,929 4,295,738 4,300,816 4,303.300 4,428,643 4,479,499 …

System and method for optical coherence imaging

M Shishkov, BE Bouma, GJ Tearney - US Patent 7,366,376, 2008‏ - Google Patents
Apparatus and method are provided for transmitting at least one electro-magnetic radiation
is provided. In particular, at least one optical fiber having at least one end extending along a …

Optical methods for tissue analysis

GJ Tearney, BE Bouma - US Patent 7,231,243, 2007‏ - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,117,128 A 9/2000 Gregory 6,120,516 A 9, 2000 Selmon et al.
5,248,876 A 9, 1993 Kerstens et al. 6,134,003 A 10/2000 Tearney et al. 5,262,644. A 1 …

Fiber-optic rotational device, optical system and method for imaging a sample

BE Bouma, GJ Tearney, M Shishkov - US Patent 7,382,949, 2008‏ - Google Patents
A device, system and method for transmitting electro-magnetic radiation between at least
two separate fibers (as well as for imaging a sample) are provided. For example, a first …