Registration of large-scale terrestrial laser scanner point clouds: A review and benchmark
This study had two main aims:(1) to provide a comprehensive review of terrestrial laser
scanner (TLS) point cloud registration methods and a better understanding of their strengths …
scanner (TLS) point cloud registration methods and a better understanding of their strengths …
Lidar-based place recognition for autonomous driving: A survey
LiDAR has gained popularity in autonomous driving due to advantages like long
measurement distance, rich three-dimensional information, and stability in harsh …
measurement distance, rich three-dimensional information, and stability in harsh …
Image matching from handcrafted to deep features: A survey
As a fundamental and critical task in various visual applications, image matching can identify
then correspond the same or similar structure/content from two or more images. Over the …
then correspond the same or similar structure/content from two or more images. Over the …
Pointdsc: Robust point cloud registration using deep spatial consistency
Removing outlier correspondences is one of the critical steps for successful feature-based
point cloud registration. Despite the increasing popularity of introducing deep learning …
point cloud registration. Despite the increasing popularity of introducing deep learning …
D3feat: Joint learning of dense detection and description of 3d local features
A successful point cloud registration often lies on robust establishment of sparse matches
through discriminative 3D local features. Despite the fast evolution of learning-based 3D …
through discriminative 3D local features. Despite the fast evolution of learning-based 3D …
Spinnet: Learning a general surface descriptor for 3d point cloud registration
Extracting robust and general 3D local features is key to downstream tasks such as point
cloud registration and reconstruction. Existing learning-based local descriptors are either …
cloud registration and reconstruction. Existing learning-based local descriptors are either …
Aslfeat: Learning local features of accurate shape and localization
This work focuses on mitigating two limitations in the joint learning of local feature detectors
and descriptors. First, the ability to estimate the local shape (scale, orientation, etc.) of …
and descriptors. First, the ability to estimate the local shape (scale, orientation, etc.) of …
Learning two-view correspondences and geometry using order-aware network
Establishing correspondences between two images requires both local and global spatial
context. Given putative correspondences of feature points in two views, in this paper, we …
context. Given putative correspondences of feature points in two views, in this paper, we …
Contextdesc: Local descriptor augmentation with cross-modality context
Most existing studies on learning local features focus on the patch-based descriptions of
individual keypoints, whereas neglecting the spatial relations established from their keypoint …
individual keypoints, whereas neglecting the spatial relations established from their keypoint …
3dregnet: A deep neural network for 3d point registration
We present 3DRegNet, a novel deep learning architecture for the registration of 3D scans.
Given a set of 3D point correspondences, we build a deep neural network to address the …
Given a set of 3D point correspondences, we build a deep neural network to address the …