Controlling symmetry and localization with an artificial gauge field in a disordered quantum system
Anderson localization, the absence of diffusion in disordered media, draws its origins from
the destructive interference between multiple scattering paths. The localization properties of …
the destructive interference between multiple scattering paths. The localization properties of …
Coherent multiple scattering of out-of-equilibrium interacting Bose gases
We review recent theoretical and experimental progresses in the coherent multiple
scattering of weakly interacting disordered Bose gases. These systems have allowed, in the …
scattering of weakly interacting disordered Bose gases. These systems have allowed, in the …
Thermalization of matter waves in speckle potentials
We show that the momentum distribution of a nonlinear matter wave suddenly released with
a finite velocity in a speckle potential converges, after an out-of-equilibrium evolution, to a …
a finite velocity in a speckle potential converges, after an out-of-equilibrium evolution, to a …
Suppression and revival of weak localization through control of time-reversal symmetry
We report on the observation of suppression and revival of coherent backscattering of
ultracold atoms launched in an optical disorder in a quasi-2D geometry and submitted to a …
ultracold atoms launched in an optical disorder in a quasi-2D geometry and submitted to a …
Coherent forward scattering as a robust probe of multifractality in critical disordered media
We study coherent forward scattering (CFS) in critical disordered systems, whose
eigenstates are multifractals. We give general and simple arguments that make it possible to …
eigenstates are multifractals. We give general and simple arguments that make it possible to …
Weakly interacting disordered Bose gases out of equilibrium: From multiple scattering to superfluidity (a)
We explore the quench dynamics of a two-dimensional, weakly interacting disordered Bose
gas for various relative strengths of interactions and disorder. This allows us to identify two …
gas for various relative strengths of interactions and disorder. This allows us to identify two …
High-resolution real-space evaluation of the self-energy operator of disordered lattices: Gade singularity, spin–orbit effects and p-wave superconductivity
Disorder is a key factor influencing the behavior of condensed states of matter, however the
true extent of its impact is generally difficult to determine due to the prominent roles played …
true extent of its impact is generally difficult to determine due to the prominent roles played …
Berezinskii approach to disordered spin systems with asymmetric scattering and application to the quantum boomerang effect
We extend the Berezinskii diagrammatic technique to one-dimensional disordered spin
systems, in which time-reversal invariance is broken due to a spin-orbit coupling term …
systems, in which time-reversal invariance is broken due to a spin-orbit coupling term …
Coherent forward scattering as a signature of Anderson metal-insulator transitions
We show that the coherent forward scattering (CFS) interference peak amplitude sharply
jumps from zero to a finite value upon crossing a metal-insulator transition. Extensive …
jumps from zero to a finite value upon crossing a metal-insulator transition. Extensive …
Coherent backscattering reveals the Anderson transition
We develop an accurate finite-time scaling analysis of the angular width of the coherent
backscattering (CBS) peak for waves propagating in 3D random media. Applying this …
backscattering (CBS) peak for waves propagating in 3D random media. Applying this …