On the optimal design of triple modular redundancy logic for SRAM-based FPGAs
Triple modular redundancy (TMR) is a suitable fault tolerant technique for SRAM-based
FPGA. However, one of the main challenges in achieving 100% robustness in designs …
FPGA. However, one of the main challenges in achieving 100% robustness in designs …
A new reliability-oriented place and route algorithm for SRAM-based FPGAs
The very high integration levels reached by VLSI technologies for SRAM-based field
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) lead to high occurrence-rate of transient faults induced …
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) lead to high occurrence-rate of transient faults induced …
Analysis of the robustness of the TMR architecture in SRAM-based FPGAs
Non radiation-hardened SRAM-based Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are very
sensitive to Single Event Upsets (SEUs) affecting their configuration memory and thus …
sensitive to Single Event Upsets (SEUs) affecting their configuration memory and thus …
A review on SEU mitigation techniques for FPGA configuration memory
Single event upset (SEU) has become one of the major threats to dependable application
development targeted at safety systems in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This …
development targeted at safety systems in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). This …
A new partial reconfiguration-based fault-injection system to evaluate SEU effects in SRAM-based FPGAs
Modern SRAM-based field programmable gate array (FPGA) devices offer high capability in
implementing complex system. Unfortunately, SRAM-based FPGAs are extremely sensitive …
implementing complex system. Unfortunately, SRAM-based FPGAs are extremely sensitive …
Fast terrain classification using variable-length representation for autonomous navigation
We propose a method for learning using a set of feature representations which retrieve
different amounts of information at different costs. The goal is to create a more efficient …
different amounts of information at different costs. The goal is to create a more efficient …
An ALU protection methodology for soft processors on SRAM-based FPGAs
The use of microprocessors in space missions implies that they should be protected against
the effects of cosmic radiation. Commonly this objective has been achieved by applying …
the effects of cosmic radiation. Commonly this objective has been achieved by applying …
An efficient fault-tolerant instruction decoder for RISC-V based dual-core soft-processors
In the modern era, FPGA-based soft-core processors have gained much attention in space
applications due to their flexibility and ease of integration. In such applications, radiation can …
applications due to their flexibility and ease of integration. In such applications, radiation can …
A new hardware/software platform and a new 1/E neutron source for soft error studies: Testing FPGAs at the ISIS facility
We introduce a new hardware/software platform for testing SRAM-based FPGAs under
heavy-ion and neutron beams, capable of tracing the bit-flips in the configuration memory …
heavy-ion and neutron beams, capable of tracing the bit-flips in the configuration memory …
Parity driven reconfigurable duplex system
This paper proposes a method improving the fault-coverage capabilities of (FPGA) designs.
Faults are mostly (SEUs) in the configuration memory of SRAM-based (FPGA) and they can …
Faults are mostly (SEUs) in the configuration memory of SRAM-based (FPGA) and they can …