AI-empowered fog/edge resource management for IoT applications: A comprehensive review, research challenges, and future perspectives
The proliferation of ubiquitous Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and smart devices in several
domains embracing healthcare, Industry 4.0, transportation and agriculture are giving rise to …
domains embracing healthcare, Industry 4.0, transportation and agriculture are giving rise to …
[HTML][HTML] A review on job scheduling technique in cloud computing and priority rule based intelligent framework
In recent years, the concept of cloud computing has been gaining traction to provide
dynamically increasing access to shared computing resources (software and hardware) via …
dynamically increasing access to shared computing resources (software and hardware) via …
DRLBTSA: Deep reinforcement learning based task-scheduling algorithm in cloud computing
Task scheduling in cloud paradigm brought attention of all researchers as it is a challenging
issue due to uncertainty, heterogeneity, and dynamic nature as they are varied in size …
issue due to uncertainty, heterogeneity, and dynamic nature as they are varied in size …
Cost-aware scheduling systems for real-time workflows in cloud: An approach based on genetic algorithm and deep reinforcement learning
With the development of cloud computing, a growing number of applications are migrating to
a cloud environment. In the process, the real-time scheduling of workflows has gradually …
a cloud environment. In the process, the real-time scheduling of workflows has gradually …
Eeoa: cost and energy efficient task scheduling in a cloud-fog framework
Cloud-fog computing is a wide range of service environments created to provide quick,
flexible services to customers, and the phenomenal growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) has …
flexible services to customers, and the phenomenal growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) has …
A deep reinforcement learning-based preemptive approach for cost-aware cloud job scheduling
With some specific characteristics such as elastics and scalability, cloud computing has
become the most promising technology for online business nowadays. However, how to …
become the most promising technology for online business nowadays. However, how to …
IKH-EFT: An improved method of workflow scheduling using the krill herd algorithm in the fog-cloud environment
Given the increase diversity of smart devices and objectives of the application management
such as energy consumption, makespan users expect their requests to be responded to in …
such as energy consumption, makespan users expect their requests to be responded to in …
Priority based job scheduling technique that utilizes gaps to increase the efficiency of job distribution in cloud computing
A growing number of services, accessible and usable by individuals and businesses on a
pay-as-you-go basis, are being made available via cloud computing platforms. The business …
pay-as-you-go basis, are being made available via cloud computing platforms. The business …
Workflow scheduling based on asynchronous advantage actor–critic algorithm in multi-cloud environment
Recently, the multi-cloud environment (MCE) has increasingly become the preferred choice
of users. As with the cloud environment, efficient workflow scheduling in a MCE remains …
of users. As with the cloud environment, efficient workflow scheduling in a MCE remains …
Prediction-based scheduling techniques for cloud data center's workload: a systematic review
A cloud data center provides various facilities such as storage, data accessibility, and
running many specific applications on cloud resources. The unpredictable demand for …
running many specific applications on cloud resources. The unpredictable demand for …