Stability and dynamics of active distribution networks (ADNs) with D-PMU technology: A review
Massive integration of converter-interfaced distributed energy resources (CDERs) has
resulted in many emerging stability issues and significantly complicated the dynamics of …
resulted in many emerging stability issues and significantly complicated the dynamics of …
Control systems for low-inertia power grids: A survey on virtual power plants
Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) have emerged as a modern real-time energy management
architecture that seeks to synergistically coordinate an aggregation of renewable and non …
architecture that seeks to synergistically coordinate an aggregation of renewable and non …
A distributed MPC to exploit reactive power V2G for real-time voltage regulation in distribution networks
J Hu, C Ye, Y Ding, J Tang, S Liu - IEEE Transactions on Smart …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It has been demonstrated theoretically and experimentally that the Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G)
enabled electric vehicle (EV) charger is of a reactive power compensation ability with a …
enabled electric vehicle (EV) charger is of a reactive power compensation ability with a …
Deep reinforcement scheduling of energy storage systems for real-time voltage regulation in unbalanced LV networks with high PV penetration
The ever-growing higher penetration of distributed energy resources (DERs) in low-voltage
(LV) distribution systems brings both opportunities and challenges to voltage support and …
(LV) distribution systems brings both opportunities and challenges to voltage support and …
[HTML][HTML] Physics-Informed Multi-Agent deep reinforcement learning enabled distributed voltage control for active distribution network using PV inverters
With the recent rapid uptake of photovoltaic (PV) resources, the overvoltage condition during
low load periods or intermittent renewable generation is one of the most critical challenges …
low load periods or intermittent renewable generation is one of the most critical challenges …
[HTML][HTML] A novel two-stage TSO–DSO coordination approach for managing congestion and voltages
This paper proposes a novel approach to TSO–DSO coordination in day-ahead operation
planning for the procurement of ancillary services (AS) such as congestion management …
planning for the procurement of ancillary services (AS) such as congestion management …
Distribution system behind-the-meter ders: Estimation, uncertainty quantification, and control
This paper summarizes the three-year technical activities of the IEEE Task Force (TF) on
behind-the-meter (BTM) distributed energy resources (DERs): estimation, uncertainty …
behind-the-meter (BTM) distributed energy resources (DERs): estimation, uncertainty …
Coordination of DERs and flexible loads to support transmission voltages in emergency conditions
F Escobar, JM Víquez, J García… - IEEE Transactions …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The large-scale integration of renewable generation and the gradual decommissioning of
conventional power plants has led to decreased availability of resources for providing …
conventional power plants has led to decreased availability of resources for providing …
Provision of voltage ancillary services through enhanced TSO-DSO interaction and aggregated distributed energy resources
The electrical energy generated from renewable energy resources connected to
transmission and distribution systems and the displacement of synchronous generators …
transmission and distribution systems and the displacement of synchronous generators …
A hybrid architecture for volt-var control in active distribution grids
Modern active distribution grids are characterized by the increasing penetration of
distributed energy resources (DERs). The proper coordination and scheduling of a large …
distributed energy resources (DERs). The proper coordination and scheduling of a large …