RA Fisher, indeterminism, and the fundamental theorem of natural selection

B McLoone - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 2024 - Elsevier
This paper is about the relationship between RA Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural
selection (FTNS) and the two major pieces that Fisher wrote on indeterminism,“ …

Natural Selection, Mechanism and Phenomenon

C Wei - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Natural selection is a general process that operates in different populations. To characterise
natural selection as a mechanism within the framework of the new mechanistic philosophy, it …

[PDF][PDF] What is the philosophy of organismal biology?

AF Tejeda, M Martín-Villuendas - Artefactos, 2023 - revistas.usal.es
According to a growing number of historians and philosophers of biology, in recent years we
have witnessed a “return of the organism” as a fundamental analytical, epistemic, and …

Natural Selection's Explanatory Scope

B McLoone - Philosophy Compass, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
There are ongoing debates in philosophy of biology about what falls within natural
selection's explanatory scope. These include debates about whether selection can explain …

¿ Qué es la filosofía de la biología organismal?

AF Tejeda, M Martín-Villuendas - … de estudios sobre la ciencia y la …, 2023 - revistas.usal.es
De acuerdo con un número cada vez mayor de historiadores y lósofos de la biología, en los
últimos años hemos sido testigos de un “regreso del organismo” como categoría analítica …