Major tunnel valleys and sedimentation changes document extensive Early Pleistocene glaciations of the Barents Sea
Abstract Sedimentary records of Early Pleistocene (~ 2.6–0.8 Ma) glaciations are sparse on
shelves, yet trough mouth fans on adjacent continental slopes provide a continuous record …
shelves, yet trough mouth fans on adjacent continental slopes provide a continuous record …
Dynamic and history of methane seepage in the SW Barents Sea: new insights from Leirdjupet Fault Complex
Methane emissions from Arctic continental margins are increasing due to the negative effect
of global warming on ice sheet and permafrost stability, but dynamics and timescales of …
of global warming on ice sheet and permafrost stability, but dynamics and timescales of …
Toward one-meter resolution in 3D seismic
Abstract High-resolution 3D (HR3D) seismic data are important for hydrocarbon exploration
of shallow reservoirs, site characterization, and geohazard assessments. The goal of this …
of shallow reservoirs, site characterization, and geohazard assessments. The goal of this …
The effects of uplift and erosion on the petroleum systems in the southwestern Barents Sea: Insights from seismic data and 2D petroleum systems modelling
In the past three decades, the hydrocarbon prospectivity has been enigmatic in the
southwestern Barents Sea as gas discoveries have dominated over oil. However, more …
southwestern Barents Sea as gas discoveries have dominated over oil. However, more …
High-resolution 3D seismic study of pockmarks and shallow fluid flow systems at the Snøhvit hydrocarbon field in the SW Barents Sea
Abstract The Barents Sea is an epicontinental shelf sea with a fragmented structure
consisting of long fault complexes, basins and basement highs. Fluid leakage from deep …
consisting of long fault complexes, basins and basement highs. Fluid leakage from deep …
Pliocene–Pleistocene glacimarine shelf to slope processes in the south‐western Barents Sea
The glacimarine shelf‐edge is a complex depositional environment in which the interplay
between accommodation and glaciation has played an important role in influencing …
between accommodation and glaciation has played an important role in influencing …
Structural and fluid-migration control on hill-hole pair formation: Evidence from high-resolution 3D seismic data from the SW Barents Sea
Hill-hole pairs are subglacial landforms consisting of thrust-block hills and associated
source depressions. Formed by evacuation of material where ice sheets have been locally …
source depressions. Formed by evacuation of material where ice sheets have been locally …
Imaging of stratigraphic pinch-out traps within the lower-cretaceous shaly-sandstone system, Pakistan, using 3D quantitative seismic inverted porosity–velocity …
MT Naseer - Natural Resources Research, 2021 - Springer
Incised valleys form excellent stratigraphic pinch-out traps. Traditional seismic data analysis
techniques fail to predict quantitatively the porous and low-velocity sand-fills for incised …
techniques fail to predict quantitatively the porous and low-velocity sand-fills for incised …
High-resolution landform assemblage along a buried glacio-erosive surface in the SW Barents Sea revealed by P-Cable 3D seismic data
The Quaternary sedimentary record in the Arctic captures a diverse and evolving range of
landscapes reflecting climate changes. Here we study the geological landform assemblage …
landscapes reflecting climate changes. Here we study the geological landform assemblage …
Estimation of net apparent erosion in the SW Barents Sea by applying velocity inversion analysis
Abstract The SW Barents Sea was subjected to significant uplift and erosion during the
Cenozoic, processes that are believed to have had a significant impact on hydrocarbon …
Cenozoic, processes that are believed to have had a significant impact on hydrocarbon …